
Out at the park

Out at the park

I had one of those whirlwind weekends where I got lost in the time/space continuum. 
Seriously. *LOL*

I did, however, manage to work on this layout Out at the park, featuring my mother and older brother. I find it interesting to work with vintage photos. I group the photos based on the size of the baby and the length of my mother's hair to gauge the time frame. And kind of figure the rest out based on the background and my imagination since my mother's hazy on the details.:)

Just a little fun misting the cardstock, inking the edges with various distress inks and using up my Sassafras scraps and embellishments. Stickers. Buttons. I was inspired by the sketch at Creative Scrappers.

P/s: My guest Mandy's Extending the Background challenge ends this Friday so I really hope to see more of you play along. You can totally extend the background on a card too! :)
Tomorrow's guest was picked from the suggestions you left on this post. I can't wait for you to "meet" her! :)

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1 Laurel said...

Love it, so fun and cheery! Love the twine on the title.

2 Priyanka Bokdia said...

what a play of color's... so cheerful!!!

3 Lynnda said...

Hey... LOL... it happened to me some times...

I love your layout... great mist job as usual... cute buttons... you played well with vintage photos...

happy Monday...xoxo

4 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I love love love love this! I loveeeeeeeeee the b&w photo with the bright colors! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

5 Dora said...

This is beautiful, the colors are sparkling, the misting is perfect, love the bunch of flower, perfect happy work!

6 Blossom inch said...

nice splash of colours and those flowers are just awesome. Good job babe!

7 Erum Tasneem said...

ooh this is so fun! Love what you did with the edges! Looks amazing :)

8 Smita said...

Oooh! Your mom looks hip ;-) And such a lovely layout this! I'm still figuring out how to use photos leave alone backgrounds :-p

Super misting again, Y!

9 Ronnie said...

Bright and happy! I love all the misting and inking you have done. Looking forward to meeting the featured scrapper.

10 kavitha said...

Love the summery colors,fab LO:)

11 lisa said...

This page just makes me smile. I love those blasts of colour and the sassfras is so cute !

12 Alice said...

amazing details and the background is sooooooo pretty! fabulous layout! love the vintage photos you used, too. wonderful way to preserve the memory!

13 MANSI said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS...especially what you have done with the edges.

14 Karen B. said...

How bright wonderful and absolutely fantastic!

15 ~amy~ said... all that sassy goodness!

16 Dana said...

Such adorable photos. I love the juxtaposition of B&W with all the bright, colorful goodies surrounding!
Misting your CS just adds SO much. Amazing.

17 Sherry Eckblad said...

another fun layout and I love how you gauge the time the photo was taken. My Mom was lazy back then too as none of the photos had anything on them.

Anonymous said...

I do so love your freeform LO. I love the colours that you have added with black and white photos.. just gorgeous :D

19 DonnaMundinger said...

Your scrapping style blows me away! I wanna be just like you when I grow up. LOVe the brights with the B&W pix! So much fun stuff to look at! xxD

20 Sudha said...

Creative work n so cheerful.

21 Angi Barrs said...

Love all of the beautiful splashes of color. And the buttons on the flowers are adorable. :)

22 BOXERGEK said...

So cute!!!

23 Casey Wright said...

I'm so loving all of these layouts that you've been making with the old pics! They are so beautiful! I'm also loving the different colored misting happening on the edge of the layout - very creative!

24 Cindy Lee said...

As I always said, you have a very unique style and are so inspiring! Love love this colorful layout!

25 Priya Sivaraj said...

another lovely layout!and so colorful

26 Sparkplug17 said...

What a lovely layout!

27 Sandy Ang said...

You do such cute things with Sassafras ! The misting brings out their colours so well. Congrats on your G45 card feature too.

28 Heather said...

LOve this layout! Love the colors and the misting!

29 MirjamC said...

gorgeous lo! love the misting and the bright colors!

30 laterg8r said...

i love the misting and the whimsy of this page :D

31 jacque4u2c said...

So gorgeous!

32 said...

Another wonderful LO. I love your story behind how you group the pics - thank goodness for digital photos where the camera automatically saves all the info for me. I need to start getting down all other details though.

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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