
I believe in love

Believe in love

I believe in love. Do you?

The challenge over at the Bo Bunny blog is to scrap something about yourself that you love.
Wikipedia defines love as an intense feeling of affection.
I love that I believe in love. 
All kinds of love. For people and things. For life. :)

A lot of misting on white cardstock. A mix of black, silver, red and pink. Fussy-cutting. Papers and stickers are from Bo Bunny. Ribbon. Heart charm. White pen. Handstitching.

Do you believe in love?

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1 Cassie said...

I believe that this is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
Love this layout!!

2 Lynnda said...

I do ... all the time...

wooohoo... what a gorgeous layout... perfect match for the title too...nice colors ...lovely photos girlie.... One day I believe I will meet you...:wink:...catch you later...xoxo

3 Karen B. said...

I enjoy seeing a project about you, and what a stunning display! Great colors, images, etc. it seems to fit you to a t!

4 said...

I do (although I have to admit I should remind myself of it once in awhile)! I also believe that you are the most amazing scrapper there is!!! As always, what fab elements and colors and titles, should I go on?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

of course I believe in love, you should see and read the post I did for my girlfriend Julian.

I love the design on this and the colors are surreal....

How are you?


6 Mel said...

Gorgeous layout Yvonne, I love your gorgeous mixing of the colours for the misting too. Super gorgeous colours too. Excelent work. Melxx

7 Anita Kejriwal said...

so good!!! Yes ! you are right love is the most beautiful of all feelings.

8 ~amy~ said...

oh so very fabbie...

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS!!!.. I heart the bold layout.. with the misting and the blossom romantic.. :)
I do believe in love ;p

10 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

This is GORGEOUS Yvonne! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos and the colors!!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

11 Joanna said...

Ohhh la la! Love your layout!!! ;)

12 Sparkplug17 said...

Such a lovely layout!

13 kavitha said...

super cute,love the branches and the cadged birds:))

14 Deepti Aggarwal said...

Beautiful card... love the colors and the layout is just awesome....

15 Dora said...

This lay out is outstanding!
great work girl...and yes I believe in love...

16 Ujjwal said...

I love this gorgeous layout girl!!

and I do believe in love infact people sometime put me into "hopeless romantic" category :D

17 Fabi Ormerod said...

Lovely layout, and yes, I dooooo believe in it, maybe even too much!!! lol. Tks for the visit, loved it too :))))

Anonymous said...

Yep, lots of people believe in love, and I'm one of them! LOVE your layout Yvonne!!! Keep on lovin'!

19 Magia da Inês said...

♥♥ Olá, amiga!
✿ ܓܓ Passei visitar seu blog. ♥♥ ♥ܓܓ Card super alegre e elegante.
✿Gostei muito do seu trabalho, seu blog é super lindo.♥♥
Brasil ♥♥

20 adrienia said...

Oh ya . . Love is in the air :)

21 Spardha said...

I do.. but I'm not soo sure! ;)
Love the LO.. the fussy cutting and misting looks fab!.. and GREAT pics.. :D

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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