
Clean and simple with Karen Baker

Hello friends! My guest today is the talented Karen Baker. She really epitomizes what clean and simple means when it comes to cardmaking. Her cards have such character and style and almost always involve some ingenious way to use stamps. I definitely have loads to learn from her! Today she shares with us a technique that is totally simple in concept but oh so very well-executed...She will also be issuing a challenge and a sweet prize! Yay! Read on to find out more! :)

But first, let's take a look at her lovely creations...


Hi there! I'm so very honored that Yvonne has asked me to join her as a guest designer here on Do More With Less. I am so inspired by her creativity, especially her use of bold and bright colors and have learned so much from Yvonne. I started scrapbooking long ago and started to dabble in card making and blogging last October. My style can mostly be interpreted as clean and simple, although I like to try out new styles, techniques and just have fun! I work full time and am a mother to two boys, so my crafting time is limited to the evening hours and beyond so I've learned to maximize my crafting time. 

Here's a quick tutorial on how I create stamped background paper with a grid design. 

Start with the basic tools and your favorite stamp that you'd like to use for a background. For this technique, I try to use one that it a bit smaller and not so busy as to be distracting. This card uses the cute Thanks Stamp included with a purchase from Lawn Fawn! 

Measure your stamp. Transfer the width and height to the paper by creating a grid with light pencil lines. My spaces ended up being 1 1/4" x 3/4" 

Stamp your image repeatedly within the squares. 

Trim and adhere your card. 

This technique works especially well with a circular image and a single stamp color as well..as seen in this card here.

I would love to see what you come up using my stamped grid background technique with and to sweeten the deal, I will offer up a $10 gift certificate Limelight Papercrafts to one random player.

Many Thanks to Yvonne for having me as a guest designer on her blog today!


Isn't this stamped grid background technique just fabulous? So, get cracking on your projects now! You have until September 10 to link up your  *NEWLY* created projects in the comments section of this post. That's a little more than  two weeks to play! :) 

As always, please leave a little love for my guest! :)

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1 Dana said...

Karen is so talented and always makes me think and view my stamps in a different way. Love that about her! I'm up for the challenge for sure...

2 Handmade Creations by Stephanie said...

yay I love Karen's work she is pretty amazing!!!!

3 ~amy~ said...

woot woot for Karen...love her style and she's a sweet gal too!!!!!! I'll be sure to play along as I haven't done this technique before:)

4 MirjamC said...

karen i love your work and thanks for the great technique!!! hope to find some time to play along, but i'll sure try this technique! thanks:)

5 Sherry Eckblad said...

Karen is so talented and now that I know all of her secrets. Well maybe I am off to make a grid card.

Thanks for sharing with us Karen and Yvonne.

6 Spardha said...

she has got some beautiful creations!.. love her work! :)

7 Lisa Petrella said...

Love Karen's work! She is incredibly creative and talented!! Looking forward to playing along with this FUN challenge!

8 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Karen's WORK!!! JUST GORGEOUS!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

9 Sharli Schaitberger said...

UBER-talented!!! Love everything that Karen makes!

10 Sharli Schaitberger said...

Um, I don't understand the link - and I think I'm not the only one? How does it work??

11 laterg8r said...

love her stamping :D

12 laterg8r said...

love her stamping :D

13 Dora said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen! What an awesome technique you show here! I have loads of stamps and hardly ever use them - you might have changed that with showing this technique! Thanks!!!

15 Anita Kejriwal said...

thanks so much and this is really going to be habndy and all your work is tooo good.

16 Laurel Beard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
17 Laurel Beard said...

This was so fun. I have never made a card using a stamp and grid background! SUPER FUN! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


18 Sharli Schaitberger said...

3rd try is the charm? I'm trying to link to my card that uses Karen's terrific technique.


19 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

What fun, here's my take on the challenge,

20 Dana said...

This technique was a blast! I will be using it often...

21 Juhi said...

Wow Karen is so talented, thanks for sharing the technique, I love it, <\a href="http://www.juhishandmadecards.com/2010/08/pink-and-brown.html">here's<\a> wht I made.


22 Juhi said...

oops I screwed up with the link,
hereis it agn

23 Smita said...

This is so cool a technique!! I love the backgrounds. Off to visit Karen... and sure to try the technique :-)


24 Unknown said...

I have always loved Karen's work. I had fun playing along with the challenge, you can check out the two cards I made at my blog

25 Cindy Lee said...

I've always been a huge friends of Karen's work! She's one talented designer and I adore her :)

26 kavitha said...

wow karen,you are so talented.Loved your cards:)here is my take:


27 Ujjwal said...

Here is my card . Loved the technique and Karen is sooo talented.. I loved her beautiful blog!!

28 Ujjwal said...

I just cant get enough of this technique and made the second card :)

Don't know if it counts but here it is

29 ~amy~ said...

yahooo....I played and learned a new technique:)


30 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

here's another fun card, http://homemadecardsbyerin.blogspot.com/2010/09/fall-friend.html

31 Kishley (Dolly Sapra) said...

I made this using grid-stamping--

32 Creativek(shraddha) said...

I love this technique!I made a card using this technique:

33 Priya Mohan said...

This is fun to create our own backgrounds..here's the link for my card using this technique: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/photo/1792245?&cat=500&ppuser=269358

34 scrapsnsuch@gmail.com said...

Ok, I made it!!! It is still the 9th here in EST :>)

35 Anita Kejriwal said...

Last Minute! I made it. I really wanted to take this challenge as I,m very bad at stamping! but thanks I,ve tried and tried and finalyy come up with this card. Hope this is good enough!

36 Anita Kejriwal said...

I,m sorry but I forgot to mention the blog post link. here it is.


37 Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

I'm squeezing in ONE more card :)

38 Lisa Petrella said...

Hope I didn't miss the deadline!! Here's my card using Karen's fabulous technique!! Thanks for the fun challenge!


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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.

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