
How to make time for online challenges.

I'm sure many of you are like me - you want to play along with as many online challenges as you can but can't seem to find time. Say you have 30 minutes. Can you choose the right patterned papers, photos and embellishments? No? So you end up doing nothing. Until you get maybe a 2 hour block of time. What else can you do?

CHEAT of course. *LOL* Wanna know how I "cheat"?

1. Do prep work in a single session.

Taking the right supplies out for your projects can suck up a lot of time.
So when I want to mist, I'll just work on several backgrounds in one session. This allows me to experiment and clean up just ONCE. Saves a ton of time. [And the need to wash my sink.:)]

2. Work on several projects at once. 

I don't know about you but I absolutely hate it when I get stuck on a project. Is it missing an element of interest? Is it off-balance? Rather than debate with myself all day, I set that project aside and start work on another. This allows me to "view" my stalled project with fresh eyes later on.

Sometimes being creative just entails adding little bits and pieces to patterned paper. A really good way to use up those scraps and found items.

Or adding photos and embellishments.

Or a really quick layout that just needs journaling.

[When my projects are in progress, I start looking around for online challenges that I can play along with by "tweaking" my elements...*winks*]

Sketches via Creative Scrappers and Frosted Designs

3. Use sketches.
I almost always start with a sketch. It may not end up looking a lot like the sketch though...*LOL*. But a sketch really helps me to place the main elements on the page. Less fiddling. More time. Another time-saver. 

There you have it. My tips for how to make time for online challenges. What other nifty tips do you have to help me save time? Let me know by leaving a comment. :)


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1 Alice said...

thanks for sharing your tips, Yvonne! i tend to work on multiple cards, too. mostly just in my head, you know, kind of planning in there. LOL! i do think putting things away when you are stuck helps. have to try your misted backgrounds some time! =)

2 Mitralee said...

Great post! Love the tips!

3 Lynnda said...

Thanks for the great tips Yvonne!!!...Those layouts backgrounds are stunning!!!...Great Misting...great choice of colors too...Wonderful!!!

Me.. I fall under the category of RANDOM and spontaneous ..i just sit at my usual corner... work the idea on my brain...and weirdly my hands are working simultaneously!!! but my major issue is TIME too... somehow or rather... usually it does works...


4 Katy said...

This is a great post! I like to play in lots of challenges but time seems to run out. I will try the misting and inking more at one sitting. (I like to ink tags so that will be helpful!)

I try to combine challenges-like a color challenge with a sketch challenge. And if anything goes--watch out!

5 Unknown said...

Great post.Really helped me think clearly.I nevr work on multiple projects but i maintain a journal and write down all the challenges and their deadlines.helps me combine challenges...and that helps...because the theme,colours, sketch is all ready .I just need to assemble.

6 Karen B. said...

Great tips Yvonne!

7 Virginia L. said...

Love seeing how you do it, Yvonne!! FABULOUS tips and visuals! xo

8 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

You are a rock star!!! Love these tips!!

9 Rose said...

fab tips!!
i just keep a desk calender to write the challenge and end date on.
tend to play at the same ones each week so pretty simple and easy for me :)

10 Annette Allen said...

those are some great tips....I love how organized you are...Thanks for sharing..

11 Roxy said...

Yes, I've had trouble lately getting in on challenges, seems I've lost my focus in 2012! I like to do challenges that last more than a week, then I might be able to get them in on time, haha!! Thanks for your tips, I'm going to pin this idea right now - hugs, Roxy.

12 Hussena said...

Fabulous tips yvonne really helps to get an another person perspective on how to go abt creating something for challenges.. i really liked all your ideas..will try to work on them...right now i just muddle along wanting to participate in several challenges but ending up creating very little :( Time constrains!!

13 Erum Tasneem said...

Thanks Y for sharing these tips. You are so spot on! Just yesterday I posted a card and after posting I realize it needed some additions! Will absolutely remember Tip#2 in future!

14 Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Great tips there, it could be a great help to me as I needs lots of time to finish one layout, the thing is, once I am stuck, I hardly revisit again so i always end up with lots of unfinished projects!

15 Bhavana said...

wonderful tips yvonne.. Thanks for sharing.. surely will try ur tips

16 Unknown said...

Now this is a 'why didn't I think of that' moment, lol!! Some brilliant ideas and inspiration :0) Thank you x

17 TesaB said...

Yay! You are the best!!! :)

18 JulieJ said...

You know I missed your deadline for the stamping challenge and I missed a DT call with a sketch the same time, so what I need is to be a bit more organised. I think having a kit helps (although this isn't so good if you like colour combo challenges!). Other thing is to sort photos with papers and perhaps some embellishments and put them in page protectors for when the right sketch or inspiration strikes. i may try the all the misting at one sitting idea. I often get my sewing machine out and leave it out for a few projects.

19 Deepti Aggarwal said...

great tips dear....

20 scrapsnsuch@gmail.com said...

Ha! You must have known that my wish list is always much longer than my finished list. I rarely work on more than one thing at a time. Yes, I have been known to mull over 1 stinkin' card for hours! So, your thought of moving on is a good one.
Thanks for thinking of me :>)

21 Sharon Fritchman said...

Thanks for posting your "cheating" tips, Yvonne! I love them! yes, I absolutely HATE to get everything out for misting, then have to clean everything up again! What great tips you have here!!!!

22 lavina agarwal said...

wow amazing tips dear..will definitely help save lot of time! thanks for sharing..

23 Dr Sonia S V said...

These are fun tips indeed Yvonne!

24 sandi said...

Fabulous tips! Love all the different backgrounds that you did! Fab and different from one another

25 Colleen Dietrich said...

It's always nice to see what others do to 'cheat' on challenges! LOL We think alike, though, and I do have things in various stages just waiting to be finished.

Thanks for sharing your tips, Yvonne!

26 Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing such great tips.. It has been so long since I have done a scrapbook page. I am stuck on cards and tags. I wouldn't know what to do with that big canvas. But I do really enjoy seeing all your wonderful pages..

Hugs, Linda

27 Cindy deRosier said...

Very clever!

28 Chunyuan said...

These are great tips. I have not scrapping yet. BUt I can see these tips can be used easliy for other paper crafts too.

29 MirjamC said...

thanks for the tips!!!

30 anna christensen crafts said...

I am so thrilled to have found your blog Yvonne. It looks great and I have joined you as a follower so that I may return with tea and biscuits!! I found you through Dr Sonia - whose work I adore. We share common interests - recycling and I blog my daughters lovely projects too (I put one up today)I have just entered your recycling challenge

31 Miae said...

You, my friend, are a plethora of helpful information! Thank you for sharing them with us!

I am THAT scrapper...slow, stuck on a page..but NO more :) I'm going to follow your advice and whip out several backgrounds...well, I'll try at least!

32 Ella Swan said...

I am SLOW and only tackle one project at a time. I work from start to finish, clean up then tackle the next one. I am thinking about all this and it is churning about in my brain...If I manage to implement it at all I'll let you know. Thanks for the thoughts :)

33 Angi Barrs said...

Fabulous tips. Gonna try these this weekend!

34 Audrey Pettit said...

Such fabulous tips, Yvonne! Thanks for sharing!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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