
The one where we went to Siloso Beach


I scored a full-day parking coupon at Sentosa Island in September so we went to Siloso Beach. Woohoo!

We went out early so that we could hit the beach before it got really hot.

There are 3 beaches on Sentosa Island and they are all lovely because....they are manmade! Yep, Singapore is mostly manufactured. *LOL*

Here we have the folks all ready to tackle the sun at the beach...okay, maybe just mum, dad had to borrow my sister's cap because he forgot his. *winks*

My sister and I both had F & B vouchers to spend so we had lunch at Shake Shack!:)

It was a lovely morning to enjoy the sea view while doing some grounding. :)

P/s: All my fun stickers came out to play! Yay!


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The week in eye drawings so far....

 Yes friends. New month. Let's get in more creative time! *high fives all around*

The week in eye drawings so looking pretty good. *winks*

Happy Wednesday friends!


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This week's double page spread from the gratitude journal


You can tell that my gratitude journal is getting fat! *winks*

This one features a double page spread of two different locations. The left page features the yummy treats at Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur's Club floor. Which incidentally was the last place I went to back in 2020 before the Covid lockdown.

The left page features a dish from a new-to-me restaurant that I discovered on this particular trip...only because the old faves shut down during the whole Covid situation. 


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