

Make Stuff Monday - another postal-friendly decorated box


Hello my friends! Happy Monday! In today's Make Stuff Monday, I'm sharing another postal-friendly decorated box. :)

I've been enjoying these Fresh boxes which are very sturdy and I only need to cover up decorate the lid, :)

This project came together really quickly because I knew I wanted to finish up the fussy-cut flowers (also used on a layout and a lantern) from a paper bag.

I went with a really subtle colour palette to match the baby blue box.

These fussy-cut blooms are sooooo pretty? 

And your gal actually has another paper bag of the same design...*LOL*

P/s: My lantern was awarded the 4th prize in my neighbourhood's lantern-making competition for the Mid-Autumn Festival! :)



  1. Very nice! Congrats on the lantern award. That's so cool that you have a neighborhood contest. I'd love to hear more about that. Do you have photos of the winning lantern? How many people enter? Any rules about time or materials?

  2. Fabulous.. love the colors...and good on you for your lantern...


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Cheers, Yvonne.