

This week's cute card from the scrap pile

I have been enjoying using packaging materials on my cards of late.

This kraft flap came from a box and the rounded edges add to the design element (without me having to do anything to it...gotta love that! ;)

Still working through my SRM stickers...(the owner of the brand has since retired but your gal still has a few years' supply in her stash...even though she was only on the DT for 1 year...). Added some cute puffy stickers (donut and star) that I had been hoarding for years.

Let's not dwell on why the cupcake is so big and the donut is so small....and just assume it's a normal sized cake decorated to be a cupcake! *LOL*

P/s: Today is the Mid-Autumn I'll be having some mooncake and admiring my lantern (made from recycled materials only). 



  1. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

    I can totally relate to having leftover DT stuff. I love the cake/cupcake and the donut - the washi and button are perfect.

  2. That lantern is fabulous! The moon cakes make my mouth water.

  3. Sweet card, love the cupcake.. and Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.. love the lantern...


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Cheers, Yvonne.