

8 Ideas for mini decorated file folders

Now that restrictions seem to easing up around the world, it's time to send out some happy mail to friends and family! This year I've been really into making mini decorated file folders which I fill up with snacks or stationery/scrapbooking supplies. The recipient can keep the folder to store supplies or refill it with goodies to send out to someone else. I just love the idea of passing a little love/kindness to another person, don't you? :)

Today I've compiled them all into one post so that you can be inspired to create your own to send out! All projects are linked to their original posts in case you want to see closeup details. :)

Make Stuff Monday - Coffee Lovers edition

My current obsession - mini decorated file folder

A Christmas mini folder in June

Make Stuff Monday - a gift set

Another vintage-inspired mini file folder

Another day, another decorated folder

This week's fun mini folder

Vintage-inspired decorated folder

There you have it...8 ideas for mini decorated file folders. Do you have a fave???

Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. I am torn between the PINK flowers (duh! lol!) and the raccoon one! :)

  2. My fave is the 'Be Fearless.' How was your visit downtown?

  3. I really like them all but if I had to choose it would be the one with 'totally' or the one that says 'the good life'. I am still intrigued by the file folder as a way of sending out treats. I'm going to make one someday...promise!

  4. These look amazing!! love how you mix things together and they look great!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.