

I have a serious addiction.


Yes friends. I have a serious addiction to mixed media canvasses. I have 3 in-progress and I completed 2 over the weekend. And everyday I'm wishing my craft supply store would have a sale on canvasses so I can stock up! *LOL*

This one's the last of the 4x4 canvasses I did featuring my 3 nephews and 1 niece. Now, it's sitting pretty on a wall in the living room along with the 3 I did previously.

Supplies: October Afternoon patterned papers, Golden fiber paste, Daler Rowney acrylic paints, Prima canvas letter, ribbon, clay embellishments [from my friend Mirjam], lace.



  1. Oh WOW Yvonne.... I can why you can't get enough !!!...This mixed media canvas is stunning .... loving the mixture of gorgeous colors... the fussy cuttings and matched perfectly with your nephew photo!! Now how cool is that!!! Have a great week ahead.... hugs...xoxo

  2. wonderful canvases! You've been a busy girl!

  3. These are all so cute! Love the apple and worm on the most recent one! I pick up my canvasses at garage sales and thrift shops... usually cost me less than $2!

  4. These are all GORGEOUS!! I love love love love love all those textures and the colors!!!

  5. They're beautiful and they just look FUN! No wonder you're addicted!

  6. i LOVE your addiction girlfriend :)
    awesome fun canvasses :)

  7. Well if I could do mixed media like you do mixed media, I would be whipping them out too! lol. This is so fabulous and I love that you added thumbnails of the previous three to compare and contrast. They are all peices of art in themselves and as a collection, they are fabulous.

  8. These are all fabulous! You are certainly on a roll! Awesome!

  9. Wao...!..Such a fabulous mixed media project..I am always so impressed with your fussy cutting..You do such a amazing job..Love the textures & layers in this canvas..! :)

  10. You needed at least one for everybody - totally makes sense to me! And, they're fabulous - how could they not be fun to make!

  11. Fabulous...all 4 of them!!! I started this weekend and even though I had so much to do I couldn't help but keep popping back to add another little bit of something. I can see why they become addictive :0)

  12. Yvonne, these are artwork. Whimsical and fun :>)

  13. Ahhhhhhh!!!! They are all so gorgeous and I would be addicted if I was that good at making them too... I bet they look so lovely on your walls!!!!! Beautfiul work my freind!

  14. Love your canvasses Yvonne. My local Blick Art Supply has canvas on sale. 50% off of one and the more you buy the more you save.

  15. Just amazing!! Fantastic creative work of art, I love these canvases

  16. So cute! I can see a whole wall of these!!

  17. Amazing! Love all of the texture! Looking at all of them brings a big smile to my face!!!

  18. What a wonderful addiction to have. I am loving these. They look fabulous my friend.


  19. it is good to be addicted...because you are so awesome with the mixed media canvas...they are amazing...

  20. Oh, how awesome! I LOVE his hat! Really fabulous background texture and fun details, too. The apples really make me smile with that friendly worm peeking out. So love all 4 canvases together. Bet they look fab on your wall!

  21. These are fantastic and isn't it just pure therapy getting all messy with paint and inks? A great addiction to have!

  22. love your canvases! they are amazing works of art and make me really want to give it a try. fabulous work as always, Yvonne!

  23. You're rocking these canvases!! ~ Blessings, Tracey


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.