

Cold begone!


Ahhh...if I were a witch, I would cast a "Cold Begone" spell! *LOL* Really though, I'm into Day Four of The Nasty Cold epidemic which is seeing little signs of reprieve. :( Will you come help me chase this evil cold away? *winks*

Just wanted to share my card for the latest challenge at Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps. A little paper piecing and colouring with copics. Love that I found this cool journaling block that is perfect to "frame" my cute little witch.

Supplies: Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamps image, Graphic 45 patterned paper (paper piecing), Jillibean Soup patterned paper (frame), Copics, SRM sticker.



  1. I absolutely love that frame.. It was the first thing that drew me to the card... I saw the image later... *sheepish grin* the paper piecing.. your cutting is fantastic Yvonne.. Wouldn't know you have paper pieced it...!!

  2. So cute!!!! Hope you'd feel better soon... take care.... big hugs...xoxo

  3. This is just adorable! I love her in green!

  4. First feel better soon!!! I love this card that image is so cute!

  5. Hope you feel better soon ...Take care :) ...your card is just so adorable love the way you have framed the image...lovely coloring and paper piecing too !!

  6. That is such a fun little witch! I would totally scare your cold away for you :) Since I had the 'man cold' I totally feel for you - I'm still not quite 100% yet!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I hope you feel better soon!! I love love love love your card!!! LOVING the green on her outfit!!!!

  8. Wow, wow, wow! This is fabulous, Yvonne! Holy Cow Fabulous! Love that image and love your paper piecing and coloring. The fussy cutting works SO well with this image. Love her going off the edge of that fun frame!
    Sure hope you feel better soon!

  9. This card is adorable! I love the cat sitting on the broom. Get well soon! It has made the rounds in our home too.

  10. such a cute card and such a cute witch!!

  11. Just darling, Yvonne! Love her pieced dress and hat! Feel better soon!

  12. I have browsed through several of your blog posts, and I a'm impressed by how many styles and medias you master. Lovely work, all of it!

  13. How fun is this card, love it to bits... This is one cute smiling witch you have got there :)))) hope you feel better soon x

  14. This is AMAZING! I looooooooooooooove it! I love your coloring and paper piecing--esp. the papers for her dress!! FAB job:)

    Hope you feel better SOON!

  15. so sorry you are sick!!! colds are the worst!!!
    goodness this is one super cute witch :)

  16. This is so super cute, Love it! Hope you are feeling better soon

  17. This must be the cutest witch ever :))))))))

  18. Get well soon Yvonne. Love love your bright and cheerful card.

  19. This is just soooooooooooooooooo cute! Love it!

  20. really cute, love the dress and hat !!!

  21. aww.... hope you are feeling better. big hugs!! adore your card!! she is so cute and love her stripe outfit!

  22. Oooh dear so sorry you were sick and I didn't know! Hope you are all better by now!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.