

Calling all couch owners...*winks*


This week, I went to collect my new passport. And now I embark on a 5 year journey to get as many pages filled as possible. With many interesting stories to tell. :) So, my bloggy pals, if I come visit you in your country, will I at least get to sleep on your couch? *winks*

An album cover made from an A4 cardboard and lots of Crate paper goodness.

Supplies: Crate Paper patterned papers, stickers and chipboard, Ranger Glossy Accents, MT tape, pearls, buttons, ribbon.

P/s: Happy weekend friends! Come play along with LESSology Challenge #19: Mirror, mirror on the wall. :)



  1. Super adorable album cover! Can't wait to hear about your travel adventures!!!

  2. Such a cute card. Love that little girl with her teddy image.

  3. Such a pretty card! My couch is always open... in fact we even have a bed so come on over!

  4. Super cute and sweet album cover!!!

    My couch is always open for you... but ....bonus... it can converted to a BED... so there you go... tell me when.... Okay

    Enjoy your weekend... hugs...xoxo

  5. Ummmmmmm I can do better than the couch... I'd kick Adam to the couch and you can have his bed!!! And I know you'd be used to the weather here! lol!! I love love love love your book!! It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

  6. Come see NY!!! We have a spare room and chocolate shop downtown!!! Love your cover!

  7. Come to LA, I've got a sofa bed :)
    Oh, you're ok with a very shy kitty cat?

    Love your album cover! :)

  8. you're more than welcome to sleep on the couch Yvonne... So much of pink is sheer gorgeousness for me.. SI that washi tape I assume on the edges... Awesome...!!

  9. What a beautiful use of patterned paper.

  10. awesome cover babe...really beautiful!

  11. Lovely ans fun layout:)and you are most *welcome*:)

  12. Gorgeous Album cover yvonne love all that beautiful paper piecing you have done and that too all in pink..thats a wowzer for sure :)...and you are more than welcome to share my couch/bed any time you visit India:):)

  13. I will sleep at the couch if you come here!!! What an amazing idea and love that creation!!!

  14. Always a bed in Holland ;o)

    Love the crate paper paper, it turned out very cute!

  15. Oh, I love those fussy-cut blooms and how cute is that little girl? Squee :)

    You are absolutely welcome to our couch - between the pets & the kids I don't imagine you'd get much sleep, but you are definitely welcome to it :)

  16. Love this! What a great cover! So sweet! <3

  17. Love this album cover and the great colors and designs. So pretty

  18. thats such a cutie album cover the paper piecing and all the assembling of different elements.

    PS: you are most welcome to my place on your next visit to Melbourne/India!

  19. Cute cover!! You couldn't sleep on my couch or you'd set the alarm off but you could crash in one of the kids rooms and they could sleep on the floor - how does that sound?!

  20. oh I love how you used this so cute.

  21. Cute one!!!!
    And you are most welcome to use our guest room here in Las Vegas!

  22. This is so cute. I am loving it.


  23. i have a bed in my craft room and it's own bathroom :)

    oh what a sweet album cover :)

  24. haha you might have to share the couch with my cats! lol I love your awsomely embellished creation! Love that "MY" too!

  25. My couch is your couch, Yvonne! YOu can stay here in a heartbeat!!!!!

    I love your adorable card! It is just so darn cute. All of the details look amazing, my friend.

  26. Come to Seattle!!!!!!! I'll boot one of the kids out their bedroom....does that bump me to the top of the list?!

  27. Our couch is about 15 minutes from Napa. You're more than welcome!

  28. So when are you coming to Canada, I have a pull out bed couch, lol...gosh you make me laugh , I can't wait to hear about your travels! ( I am serious about crashing on my couch , hehe!)

  29. So eye-catching! So fun! And totally playful, too. LOVE this, Yvonne! And you can come stay on my couch anyday! :)

  30. Love your card! If you like snow, there was a lot of it here last night. Would be cool to get to know you and have you come visit. You would love the Rocky Mountains here.

  31. OHHHH! I LOVE these papers and design for your new book!!!

    You can def. stay in my house!! I have an extra room and bathroom right next to my studio!!! And a beach about 20 minutes away:)

  32. yes, please! but we'll have a spare room for you if you come to visit! =) love your album cover. so cute and girly!

  33. Such an adorable album cover!! Our children are flying the coop and we have a guest room, so come on and we'll mix some photo ops with some scrapbook time!! ~ Blessings, Tracey


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.