

Workspace Wednesday - Wood obsession

So I may have a teeny weeny obsession with wood trays? *winks* Meet my current bedroom collection. Yep, I have a collection to use for the "staged" photos. *dramatic music plays in the background*

Like this one with a muffin on a doily. And a cup of tea. 

And this one with some CNY cookies and a cup of tea.

Do I take photos of all my snacks and beverages? Clearly not. Do I hate that I don't share authentic real-life pics on social media? Yep. But I just take it as a way to exercise some creative photo-taking. Because people like to look at pretty things. And the truth is that I do enjoy the "staged" snacks a little more because they look more appetising. *LOL*

P/s: I never actually eat/drink when I draw/paint or work on creative projects. Do you?



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Cheers, Yvonne.