

Thursday's desk - the week in eye sketches


Well friends, I'm pleased to inform you that I've fallen into a daily routine of a 30 minute eye sketch quite comfortably. *high fives all around* I'm almost at the halfway mark of this current pocket-size sketchbook.

Of course, the annual #the100dayproject starts next I shall see if I can still keep up with the daily eye sketches. *winks*

Any guesses on what subject matter I would tackling this year?

Last year I did mixed media blooms. Definitely want to work on something different this year so that I can hopefully get somewhat proficient at it at the end of the 100 days. :)



  1. Beautiful eyes! My guess is 100 days of breakfast.

  2. I really love your white art. It look so good you make it perfectly. I apricate your hard work in this blog. Keep it up. Hope you will share more good updates. Now it's time to avail Siding Services In Alachua County FL for more information.

  3. You are very good at doing eyes! Love the second one very blue eyes!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.