

Workspace Wednesday - the sourdough explosion


So I tried a new recipe today - Japanese sourdough milk bread...and it did not turn out pretty. *LOL*

I think it was because I didn't roll the dough tight enough so there was an "explosion" at the top of the loaf. Such a rookie mistake. I have made Japanese milk bread before, just not this I should have known better. Oh well, it looks a bit artistic eh? *consoling music plays in the background*

Nephew #3 saw the loaf and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He said taste was what matters.  :) (Oh yeah, now I have an extra mouth to feed on Mondays and Wednesdays.)

I suppose he is right. There's milk and egg in it. And the slathering of melted butter. Well, we will know tomorrow. *winks*



  1. I'm with N-#3. It's all about the taste! Cut it artistically and no one will ever know.

  2. Oh, it looks yummy! You can mail it to me.

  3. Well yes have to agree with the others... what is the use of a perfect looking bread that does not have any taste?? I am sure it will be delicious!


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Cheers, Yvonne.