

One of my goals in 2022 is...


Can you guess what one of my goals in 2022 is? Clue is in the photo.  Additional clue is that I'm right-handed. *winks* 

Yep. I want to be ambidextrous. Or at least try to be more so. I already use my non-dominant hand to warm up with my sketches. Now I'm using it to stir-fry food and cut veggies (rough cuts so far) and carry stuff. Which is a lot less taxing on my right hand/arm/shoulder. Read: fewer medicated plasters required.

It is a lot harder than expected because old habits die hard. It is way easier to journal with my right hand because I can write so much faster. But writing with my left allows me to collate my thoughts and be more  mindful of the process which makes it more enjoyable too. I am also more careful when using a knife to cut my veggies so I actually get fewer "injuries". And when it comes to art, my non-dominant hand is less heavy-handed and loose marks look more natural.

About the photo: me trying to draw a bird in coloured pencils with my non-dominant hand. Looks very very rough (so I went with a blurry photo to spare you the roughness..hehehe) but at least you can tell it's a bird right? *LOL*



  1. That is an interesting goal. I think it would make me crazy. I am a lefty but I do use a scissors right handed because growing up there were no lefty scissors. Good luck with reaching your goal. Please tell blogland about your progress.

  2. Well I must say that is something I have never thought about doing.. using my right hand for everything only becomes a problem when I hurt it.. but hey I am sure you will master it or at least make it possible for most things.. I will see how you go this year!!

  3. Great goal! I switch my mouse hand back and forth every once in a while. There are a lot of things I do with my right hand because the equipment doesn't exist for lefties.


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Cheers, Yvonne.