

Mixed Media Monday - messy upcycled envelope


Hello friends! Remember the mixed media envelope I was working on last week?  Here is the completed project...all ready to be filled with goodies and shipped off! :)

I added some black ink and white paint splatters to break up the splotches of bright paint colours and add a little more dynamism to the piece. I also stamped the edges for more visual interest. 

I added a notecard for the recipient's name and address. It looks really bright white and stark right now. But I've sent enough happy mail to know that if the recipient's name or address is NOT clearly indicated, the postman might use a marker on your package (and ruin your design aesthetic..*winks*).

Some of the design might be covered up by the stamps...but that adds to the design element of the piece as well. My usual postal lady (post office in town) will take the effort to arrange the stamps in an aesthetically pleasing manner before gluing them down for me. No such luck with the postal worker at my nearby post office. I will specifically tell her I want stamps and she will print a label and get upset when I insist on stamps. I mean, I don't need to go the post office for a postal label...we have machines that do that. First world problems. *LOL* Anyway, if you ever receive happy mail from me that has stamps on it, know that I "fought" for them. Hahaha!

Happy week ahead friends! :)



  1. LOL - I'm the same way about stamps! I've been known to coordinate my stamps to the envelope color. I put no effort into accessorizing myself, but I do accessorize my envelopes!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.