

Using cardboard packaging on my projects


Using cardboard packaging on my projects

As mentioned previously, I am trying to repurpose any packaging I get these days so that I put less in the recycling bin (especially since only 10% of it actually gets recycled).  Things that catch my eye are pretty designs on cardboard...

Using cardboard packaging on my projects

That I just use like patterned paper on a layout.

Using cardboard packaging on my projects

And text that I can cut out...this was from a fragrance box.

Using cardboard packaging on my projects

Can you spot where I used it?

Using cardboard packaging on my projects

This was the packaging for a  tea cup.

Using cardboard packaging on my projects

For this decorated box project, I actually incorporated both the pink packaging boxes. :)

What about you? Do you incorporate cardboard packaging on your projects?



  1. That's really cool. I don't think I've ever used packaging on a layout, but I've definitely used it for other projects.

  2. You are an awesome recycler. I love your idea of using packaging in your layouts and cards. I will try to do more repurposing of packaging as I agree that the words and designs are very usable.

  3. That's amazing! I sometimes do use cardboard on my pages.. but I should use it more..


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.