

The one about the fracture

Back in November, nephew #1 had a cycling mishap while he was out with his friends at a nearby island (Pulau Ubin). 

He had scrapes on his right arm and fractured his left thumb. Clearly nothing really major but the A&E doctor put his entire left forearm in a cast because he couldn't decipher an x-ray properly. *shakes head* (We were told that he fractured his hand and forearm in 3 different places...and when the cast came off, the doctor was like, "Oops, it's just the thumb!" ...I kid you not!)

I mean, the kid doesn't even look like he's in pain, right? (Of course, he could have been loopy while on pain meds...or because I was holding his hand. *LOL*)

Despite needing help to shower and eat for 2 weeks (till the cast came off), the kid was just living his best life playing computer games all day. :)

Just a layout with lots of random bits...

Playing along with The Studio Challenges SCRAP challenge..

S- Stickers 

C- Chipboard

R - Ribbon

A - Ampersand

P - Patterned papers



  1. Oh my! That is a large cast for a broken thumb!!! i hope it has mended really well.. and lots on that page but it looks great!

  2. Wow, how do you accidentally confuse three breaks in an arm with one in a thumb?! I guess it's better than making a mistake the opposite direction. I really like this layout, particularly the mismatched title work.

  3. This is really a terrible experience. Fortunately, you can have fun in hardship.
    I love this beautiful layout! Such a great mix of papers and alphas! Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Studio Challenges.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.