

A page from the recipe planner - egg tarts


One of the items I love to order when I go for dim sum are the egg tarts. :)

The filling is an egg custard (eggs and milk) but you can have variations on the pastry - puff pastry or shortcrust pastry. If you already have dough ready to go, this is actually pretty quick to make because you bake the pastry with the filling (no need to blind-bake).

My fave pastry is Pâte Sablée so I make my egg tarts with that. :)

The recipe planner is getting pretty full from my insane recipe-trying at the beginning of the pandemic when we were in full lockdown. Right now, I'm working less on totally-new recipes but tweaking old faves to alleviate them. (Clearly watched too many episodes of MasterChef...*LOL*)

But the paper scrap pile and the sticker pile are getting smaller so I'm on track with my paper goals 2020. :)

Happy weekend friends!



  1. I love everything about this page! It makes me want to dive in and try your tarts. I've never sifted liquid ingredients, let alone three times. I pop bubbles with a needle, or just scoop them out. Now I want to compare techniques!

  2. Yes! I love the custard tarts that can be ordered with dim sum. Thanks for sharing the filling but I think the crust is what makes these tarts special. I've never heard of pate sable but I will look for a recipe. Your layout is scrumptious.

  3. Those tarts look perfect.. love your recipe pages!


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Cheers, Yvonne.