

Make Stuff Monday: CNY 2019 edition

Hello friends! Previously I shared with you some of the decorations I made for CNY 2019. Today I just wanted to share how everything came together. :)

I recycled last year's mini ang bao lanterns I made (one last hurrah for them before they go into the recycle bin) and hung them on the railing. The plant has a red ribbon tied around it for a bit of a festive flair. *winks*

Here is the CNY snack area in the dining room area.

I had to get creative with things I already had around the home so that I did not have to buy too many decorative pieces. Every year is a different animal year in the Chinese Lunar calendar so with 12 animals, it means you have to keep animal-specific decorative pieces for 12 years before you can use them again. I try to buy the generic stuff so that I can use them for a few consecutive years.

Here you see the hanging lanterns I made. :) 

A decorative nook with things found around the house...:)

There you have it, a quick look at how my CNY 2019 came together. Tomorrow is the last day of the CNY 2019 and then all the decorations have to removed/kept/recycled. I am so NOT looking forward to that...*LOL*

Happy week ahead friends! 



  1. WOW! You did a beautiful job. I can see why you don't want to take it down. I'd want to leave it up for months!

  2. Oh wow, they area all so amazing!! You did such a wonderful job on everything!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


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Cheers, Yvonne.