

My crazy real family


Well, there are some things in life that you can't change, especially when it comes to family. You just have to accept them as they are. Crazy. Real.

And always ruining a good photo opportunity with their antics.

Here we are celebrating nephew #2's birthday...and I either got signages covering the faces (nephew #3 and niece) or sullen faces.

My sister-in-law makes a rare appearance (she never wants her photo taken) but of course, isn't even looking at the camera. The birthday boy is holding a "cool" sign but looks totally bored. The niece has recently taken to sullen looks in photos because her mother told her that her teeth look like vampire fangs. *LOL*

Playing along with Let's Get Sketchy.



  1. Haha, they are too funny!! The pictures are so fun!! Your details are perfect as always!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. LOL!!! I have vampire fangs too... that's why you never see me smile with my teeth ... but hey! I still SMILE!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeee this!! Too funny to capture these photos!!! That chandelier is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!

  3. Priceless, LOL Just love the way you broke up the layout so that one photo is scrapped w/ a more casual homey feel and the other a more elegant feel!

  4. This is so real and that's exactly what makes it awesome. I love that you scrap photos like this and embrace the moment. And yea for including your sister in law!

  5. Giggles! That's soooo true of all families. eh? Always someone who doesn't want to be in the photo [Tom] & Someone who pretends to be bored [Lucas] & then the silly faces.... seems to change with age!!! Oh well, hey ho! You actually got a FAMILY PHOTO of sorts. Well done you..... & I must say, SOMEONE gave them those props in the first place, LOL!!!!

  6. Looks like crazy FUN to me! This sure made me smile! Thanks for joining us @ LGS!

  7. Fantastic job capturing the whole family! Sounds like it was quite a task :) Thanks for playing with us this month at LGS!

  8. Love your take on the challenge. Great photos. Thanks for joining in with us at Let's Get Sketchy.

  9. Super cool page! Love your take on the sketch. Thank you for playing along with us at LGS!

  10. What a great layout. Love that background paper. Thanks for joining us at Lets Get Sketchy. Deb xx

  11. Great take on the sketch. Thanks for playing along with Let's Get Sketchy

  12. Lovely! Thanks for joining us Let's Get Sketchy!

  13. Omgosh, the commentary is cracking me up! Love that you get these awesome photos to document your stories. And you always make the cutest layouts! That hanging chandelier is really making me smile... A touch of elegance with all the shenanigans! 😆


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Cheers, Yvonne.