

Drawing nephew #1 with coloured pencils


So I'm venturing into drawing the male species now apparently. *faint applause*
And "victim" #1...err I mean male subject #1 is none other than nephew #1. :)

Just to prove that the kid wasn't strong-armed into it, here's a photo of him with his in-progress likeness. *LOL*

I started off with a pencil sketch (on Stathmore Toned Gray A5 sketchbook) that looked nothing like him (let's not include an incriminating photo..*winks*) before getting in with some coloured pencil action. I whipped out my Holbein Artists Colored Pencils for this.

It took a really really long time (a few hours each night for a week or so) to "complete" this drawing because I wanted to only use coloured pencils instead of "cheating" with mixed media supplies. 

Yes, coloured pencil is a very slow medium to work with because it takes a lot of layers to create tonal effects.

"That actually looks like me!" exclaimed nephew #1.

Well, I'm off to find my next male"victim" to draw. :)

Happy week ahead friends!



  1. Total likeness!!! I loveeeeeeeee it!!!!!

  2. OMG..Yvonne !! What are you ?? A magician..creating such amazing stuff with color pencils..!!

  3. He's correct.. it DOES look like him! Nicely done!

  4. Omword, you are so talented! Amazing likeness, Yvonne, and boy did you ever do a fabulous job getting the depth and shadows with colored pencils!

  5. Oh my gosh, stunning!! It looks exactly like him!! Wow!! You are amazing!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. The sketch was worth all the hours of work. Your nephew is lucky to have such a talented aunt. He now has a one-of-a-kind artwork to treasure forever. Well done!!!!!

  7. You are AMAZING! This looks totally brilliant.... & it is so like him! AND to do it all in pencil.... wow! AND the t-shirt.... you got that to perfection, as well!!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.