

Reworked: mixed media girl on canvas


Apparently you are supposed to keep ALL of your old artwork to see how far you've evolved in your artistic journey. Well, I most certainly am trying to erase all traces of my earlier cringe-worthy work by re-working them. *LOL* 

Like this girl that I drew back in October 2015. Can you believe how far I've come since then? *winks*

Honestly, I just don't have the space to keep all of my artwork. But I don't like to waste stuff either. So I've been reworking my artwork to make them more reflective of my current style.

Yep, I just slapped on some acrylic paint to cover up the "old" face and started all over.

Here are the art supplies I used to re-paint the girl's face.

What about you? Do you try to rework some of your older pieces to make them more reflective of your current style?



  1. I think the re-do looks amazing!!!!! (but hey! the old version wasn't bad at all either!) I love that instead of scrapping it, you re-did it!!!!!!

  2. I was about to far you have come !!! Hats off to your patience and practice.I have to start redoing my old cards now;)

  3. Wow, Yvonne, this is such a cool post! How fun to see this side by side comparison of then and now! You really have evolved over the years, but I have to say.... I've always been so impressed with your drawing skills. I love both of these! One is more fanciful, and one more realistic, but both are amazing! Back when I used to scrapbook, I found myself pulling out my earlier books and absolutely hating what I was seeing. Even though they tell you not to, I started going back and revamping my earliest pages. But then I got quickly overwhelmed and thought that as soon as I finished reworking everything, I'd have to start over and rework the reworked pages. A never ending cycle. That's why I like cards.... they don't tend to stick with you for so long. ;)

  4. Wow - night and day! I don't tend to rework old stuff, but when I do, I'm always happier with the newer version.

  5. I can't believe you re-did the piece and it turned out very different but still the same and realistically pretty. The original piece had it charm though. I don't think I would have the courage to re-work my old stuff. I'm glad you shared the metamorphosis.

  6. Wow that is really amazing, you have grown so much, this face is so realistic.. well done...


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.