

Photo booth props from found objects


So I found these fun photo booth props that I made for my grand-aunt's 90th birthday bash last November when I was sorting through my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" stash the other day.

Now it was easy to just head to the store to buy ready-made props of course but I thought to myself, "Why buy when I can make them, right?" [Apparently I enjoy creating more work for myself...*winks*]. 

And then of course, I just had to challenge myself to use some found objects around the house. Er, you know to reduce the amount I was hoarding. ;)

I had spray-painted some plastic containers to be the "pots" for my giant flowers [They were the large plastic containers for protein powder that I nabbed from a body-building uncle.] So I decided the lids would be great for the "frame" of my photo booth props.

I also had these old paintbrushes that had lived past their usefulness which I thought would be perfect "sticks" for my props.

The challenge was of course to attach the two items together in an elegant way. Okay, just in a way that it would at least hold together for the duration of the party. *LOL*

So I pleated some scrap paper that was then glued to "hold" the paintbrush and then attached the whole thing to the plastic cover. A black Sharpie + white pen and some chipboard letters completed my photo booth props. [If you were wondering about the words I actually used...wonder no more, I just tried to form plausible words from my chipboard letter stash...haha]

Here you have my ever-sporting mum and sister, posing with my photo booth props, including the giant paper flowers. 

Hope you are having a great week so far!



  1. Those are cool photo props.. Nice recycling ;)

  2. Brilliant! There is no other word for it! And what a lovely feeling it is when something like this is done - yes? Judy x

  3. These are so fun!! What a creative idea!! And how sweet of your beautiful Mom and Sis to pose with them!! Gorgeous pic!! Have a great day, my friend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. What a great idea!!! I loveeeeeeeeee these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Those props are very inventive and I never would guess they were made from container lids. You are Miss Clever!

  6. Hi Yvonne! Your photo booth props are so much fun!!! You are very creative, my friend! And I absolutely LOVE the photo you took of your mom and sister. I hope to see it scrapped!!!!!

  7. Omgosh, you are SO creative, Yvonne! I absolutely LOVE that you recycle and re-use so many leftovers into SUCH amazing new things! Lids from protein powder jars? Brilliant!

  8. THOSE ROCK!!! They are adorable too your sis and your Mom! Rock stars! Please tell them in case they start getting shy...Hugs!

  9. These are so cool and what a great idea. TFS

  10. You are SO creative and resourceful! These are awesome, but the coolest part is that the handles are old paintbrushes.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.