

Black and white altered box


One of my goals this year is to finish up all of my half-done projects or just get rid of them. *dramatic music plays in the background* 

Don't get me wrong. I love to recycle and repurpose but when the stuff you save for a rainy day starts to overwhelm you, you've got to take drastic measures, right? *winks*

Here's the first of my half-done projects that I managed to save from the "jaws" of the recycle bin....a black and white mooncake box. I remember spending quite a bit of time covering up this red box in remnant lace before applying a layer of black gesso. And then chucking it to a corner where it stood unloved and almost forgotten for the last few months. *Bad me!*

I added a coat of silver glaze to really highlight the texture from the lace and was about to do my usual clustering of embellishments thing when I found this lovely lace from old lingerie in my stash. And of course, decided to go another direction.

I think it turned out pretty classy actually. Another box to add to my mum's collection of decorated boxes.  

P/s: I always thought that these boxes will eventually be mine again in a few decades but apparently, my mum has promised my niece that she will get them. *LOL*



  1. Ha ha ..The upcycled boxes will be handed over to next generation then,its good as you can always make new ones for you ;) I loved the black n white look of it and the texture :)
    I have spent few afternoons getting rid of all the packaging boxes and decided not to collect any more :(

  2. Well at least it will still be in the family! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this!! Just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. This is stunning!! Wow!! You decorated it so beautifully!! I absolutely love, love it!! Your Mom (and eventually your niece!!) will treasure it ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. This turned out so pretty Yvonne !! my collection of boxes is also increasing...high time I do something with them :)

  5. Good for you for tackling your WIP projects! This is absolutely stunning, Yvonne! The black and white combo is super elegant and classic, and I absolutely adore all the layered lace! The cluster around the flower is gorgeous! LOVE the texture and love the pearls and twisted lace. SO, SO cool!

  6. This is gorgeous! I know just what you mean about finishing off half made projects! Judy x

  7. It turned out oh-so Audrey Hepburn elegant.... so GLAD it didn't get tossed. The silver highlighting was a fab idea:):)

  8. if you were to make boxes in a row, the next one up would have a pretty victorian lady smiling because her dress was so pretty! Love the "buttons" you used...I know where those came from! YOU ROCK!

  9. Oh, this one is so special....very Victorian. I love it!

  10. it's beautiful and love the lace. Glad you rescued it :-)

  11. This is so pretty. I need to tackle the half-done project pile as well.


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Cheers, Yvonne.