

When I went "shopping" in my scrap pile...


So you know I've been trying to reorganize my scrap supplies...well, the process has been slow especially since I tend to get distracted,,, and go "shopping" in my scrap pile. *winks*

But these birds are soooooo cute. Would you not stop to make some cards with these cuties? *LOL*

I am happy that I mixed and matched quite a few pieces of patterned paper...

And I confess...I made 3 more cards with those cute birdies before I went back to my reorganization of scrap supplies. :)

Happy Monday friends! 



  1. They are really cute! I would most certainly get distracted by them....& isn't it NICE to increase that card pile???!!!! Looking good, Ms Yam!!

  2. Toooooooooo cute! LOVING those birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Using the scraps is WAY better than organizing the scraps! Keep at it!

  4. I loved them ,the birds are cute no wonder you were distracted !

  5. This is so fabulous!! The birds are absolutely adorable!! I love them!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. Um,yes I do know what you mean. I am the queen of distraction especially if I'm organizing or cleaning up. Your card is fresh and alive with texture. Messy craftroom = creative space

  7. I think that's the fun of getting organized... the distraction that occurs once you re-discover all your great loot! Totally recharges the batteries, I think. LOVE your card! Those birds are so cute, and the mix of papers is awesome. Love the bit of crocheted doily, too!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.