

Why everyone should have an art journal or more....*winks*

As you know, I have tried many times over the last few years to start art journaling but never went beyond a page or two.


 There were several reasons for that:

1. I didn't buy/use the right type of art journal.

I started with a cheap sketchbook from the art store. The paper wasn't thick enough to endure wet washes and the paint-throwing that I enjoyed. Right now, I prep the thin pages with gesso or just work in an art journal with thicker paper.

2. I didn't know what type of mediums to use.

I was using all the mediums that I used for my scrapbook pages but didn't understand why the pages in my art journal kept sticking together. Turns out most of the mediums dry glossy so they tend to stick together when you close the art journal [my scrapbook pages were kept in plastic sleeves so they never stuck together]. Now, if the surface dries glossy, I add a layer over matte medium over it and my pages no longer stick! :)

3. I really didn't know how to start.

With a scrapbook layout, you had photos to inspire you. But with an art journal, you start with a blank page and you know how scary a blank page is right? *winks* Currently, my art journals are the "dumping" ground for the leftover paint and inks. No wastage of mediums and I no longer have to start with blank pages! 

Check out the layers of paint, ink and gesso here. Can you spot residual mists from another project? Or brush marks from leftover paint on my paintbrush?

Art journals are a great way to experiment with different colour combos and mark-making. Have a few of them lying around to help you "clean up" your paint palette. :)

The key is to unleash your inner child and just play! 



  1. Great tips, Yvonne! I haven't really tried art journaling, but you take a lot of the fear away with your great advice. How brilliant to use your blank pages as dumping grounds for all your leftovers. Cause seriously.... those blank pages can be way intimidating!

  2. Ha..ha..dumping ground for paints!!

  3. Ha..ha..dumping ground for paints!!

  4. I now have few in thick paper and various sizes, great for experimenting or just doodling ....then some more experimenting with colors and mediums !!thanks for the matte medium tip Yvonne !!

  5. Oh my goodness, this stunning!! Your dumping grounds are better than most people's artwork!! That face is gorgeous!! Love, love this!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. You were the one who got me popping my left over paints on card stock! Not sure I really want to go the art journal route. I think at heart I'm a writer....but I do adore your addy dumping ground! Amazing how you can pop a face in there:):)

  7. What a great idea to use up bits of paints and such left over from a project in an art journal! And I had no idea that glossy mediums would stick together, but it makes sense. Cool page!


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Cheers, Yvonne.