

A latte love card


So last year, I started drinking coffee. Prior to that, I was strictly a tea drinker. I still haven't graduated to a coffee a day [my stomach still hasn't quite adjusted yet] but it has been fun trying out different types of coffee to find out what rocks my boat. *winks*

Any guesses on what type of coffee I like?'s not a latte. I like a double shot espresso with no sugar. Seriously. 

Thought I would support my blog pal Amy Tsuruta and play along with the Summer Coffee Lovers Bloghop. :)



  1. No wonder your stomach hasn't quite adjusted! That's a SERIOUSLY drink going on there. Whereas me.....latte......1/4 strength all the way. Love your star bg & I'm lusting over that little latte wood bit:):)

  2. I have NEVER had a drink of coffee ... ever! LOL!! I cannot stand the smell of it ... so I have NEVER been tempted (soul sista Amy ... if you read my comment, I hope you can still love me *wink*) :) I love love love love this! LOVING the colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. That's what makes this group don't have to like or drink coffee...but crafting about it is an obsession! LOL! Your card is so fun Yvonne...I like my tea iced, no sugar, no lemon! Coffee dark with a little real cream and brown sugar, but I don't drink either any more! Have a wonderful day, nice to see you again! Happy Friday!

  4. I also just started drinking coffee last year, inspired by Coffee lovers blog hop! Isn't it amazing!! Otherwise I am a tea person!This is such an awesome creation, love the cute wood veneer!

  5. Wow! Too cute!!! I love the gorgeus colours!!!

  6. Yaay ..from one tea person to another !Loved the misted bg of your card Yvonne !

  7. You go from a non-coffee drinker to double shot espresso with NO sugar?! You're a rock star! You know that I adore your sweet card, love all the green and the bits and bobs and the stars...sooooo fun Yvonne.

  8. I don't do coffee but I love making coffee cards

  9. Wow, this is so fabulous my friend!! I love the background!! It looks amazing!! The rainbow is such a beautiful touch!! I've never acquired a taste for coffee...or any hot drinks really. I'd rather have an icy cold Diet Coke first thing in the morning :) Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  10. Wow - from no coffee to a double espresso?! I've never had more than a sip of coffee. I hate the smell and the taste. I don't even like mocha ice creams or coffee-flavored candies. If I HAD to have coffee, it would be with as little coffee and as much milk, whipped cream, syrups, etc. that I could get away with. But then I'd be bummed that all those tasty items were ruined by the coffee. ;)

  11. Love the background beautiful, and the embellishments. It's no wonder you can't have a cup of coffee a day, a double expresso, wow, strong for just starting out drinking coffee.

  12. Yvonne! So happy to see you here! Love! Your card! Cool background and I have those wood veneers! And the way you tied your twine! Awesome card!

  13. Wow, you went from no coffee at all to double-shot espresso? Hard core, Girlfriend! ;)
    This is so cute! Love the residual mist background and love that little rainbow with the smiley face. Cool treatment with the trims, too. The ribbon tab and twine wrap is awesome!

  14. WOW! Stunning BG and rainbow cheery card. Hugs Bev (Uniko) x

  15. Such a great card and lovely background! Coffee once a day at 5.45am in the morning for me - brought by my husband before he gets on with his day :-)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.