

Someone's got a new friend...*winks*


So my sister got herself a new "friend" - a scooter!

Of course I was excited about documenting this only because I have been hoarding this scooter fabric badge for the longest time! It would have been perfect if my sister got a pink Vespa but she's so not a pink person. *LOL*

And yes, these photos were staged. Check out my sister's facial expression in photo #4. [Yes, a scrapbooker's family member always has to re-enact a "scene" right? *winks*]

Playing along with Stuck?! Sketches.

P/s: Have you entered my gift box giveaway and my mixed media canvas giveaway?



  1. What an awesome new friend for your sister!! It looks like so much fun!! The layout is gorgeous!! The star background looks amazing!! I love the fabric badge...if I had a choice, I would so get a pink Vespa ;) Fabulous my friend!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Ohhhhhhh i love love love this! LOVING the colors, the stars, the photos and loving that flair button!!!!

  3. Awesome design Yvonne! And I love the touches of a Pink on your layout!!

  4. Love the layout!! Your use of elements is again so superior!! Hope you are doing well, Yvonne! xo

  5. What an amazing layout !1 I love the layers you have created ..its totally fun :)

  6. Very, very it all...especially the background stars. Even though the subject matter is not a 'girly pink' one, you managed to make it feminine with all the sweet embellishments. What crafty sisterly love!

  7. Now that's a neat way to get around! LUCKY girl.....& that button is perfect. Sooner or later, that stash gets used! Most of all, I really love the way you use ribbon/lace like washi across the page. Superb :)

  8. There is always one day when we will use that special button or badge on a layout, and that scooter badge is perfect for this layout.. great photos love the colors too... and I hope she stays safe on her new wheels!

  9. So much fun! I love how you used the scooter badge here and it was definitely worth the wait to find it's perfect place! Your layouts always inspire me, Yvonne! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  10. I was thinking it was you with the "new friend". Great layout!

  11. Oooh, what a seriously cool new toy, and what a fabulous layout! Love the photos (be they staged or not) and love the arrangement. The trim border is fabulous. Love the background, too, and that little scooter button could not be more perfect!

  12. Your page is fabulous! I love everything, the background, the colour, the special little touches - you rocked it! So glad you shared it with us at Stuck?!

  13. LOVE this page, so fun! I keep threating to get a pink Vespa...esp with the price of gas..Boy would I LOOK FUNNY on one lol!

  14. Totally cute! Love your page! Glad she's wearing a helmet!

  15. Fabulous layout! Love the background and all the layers of ribbon, trims & twine along the bottom of the photos! Thanks for playing along with Stuck?!

  16. So so pretty! love the layout and the pictures are so cute!That scooter badge is complete cutie

  17. now that is my kind of ride.. what a cute layout..

  18. LOVE this Yvonne! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  19. LOVE this Yvonne! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  20. Fantastic page Yvonne, love the background! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?!

  21. Love your background work and the vibrant colours are just fabulous! Thanks for playing along with us over at Stuck?! Sketches!!

  22. Great take on the sketch, Yvonne! Love all those trimmings and your misted background! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Stuck?! Sketches!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.