

Exploring the "what ifs"

Burlap-flowers-mixed-media-canvas by Yvonne Yam for The Crafters Workshop

It is easy to slip into one's comfort zone and just work with elements that one is accustomed to. I, however,  love to make things "difficult" for myself by continually pushing boundaries and exploring the "what ifs". *winks*

Like working on a different colour palette. Or picking out the "core" elements and then exploring ways to tie a design together. "Forcing" yourself to do just one thing different each time you work on a project is a great way to grow artistically. :)

Hope you find time this busy season to nourish your artistic soul. Happy weekend my friends! :)

P/s: This mixed media canvas was created for The Crafter's Workshop.



  1. Yvonne the black roses look beautiful
    PS : Please do turn off word verification but enable comment moderation to prevent spam.
    Dr Sonia
    My latest post: How I repaired my Big Shot

    1. Actually I don't have word verification turned on. Blogger is having some issues. You can skip the word verification process and your comment will still go through.

  2. Soooooooo beautiful! LOVING the flowers!!! And funny ... I always seem to push myself with my altered projects -- but stay safe with my pages!! Freak I am! LOL!!!

  3. Oooh, your canvas is beautiful, Yvonne! Love your focal cluster of flowers and berries here, and LOVE that you push yourself artistically! Wow, the texture on this is just amazing. Loving the combo of burlap, lace, velvet, pearls, and paper! SO fabulous!

  4. wow love those flowers.. this is gorgeous

  5. lovely flowers in black, this is an unusual color palette for you but looks really stunning !!

  6. Gorgeous canvas!! Did you make those perfect roses? Their gorgeous!

  7. Absolutely stunning canvas!! The roses look amazing!! Love the texture and details!! Have a great weekend :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Sooooo...was it the flowers! Or the colours? What was it that you don't feel comfortable with????? I LOVE the black flowers. I'd find them VERY hard to a/ Make & b/ Use. However. They look sooo 'like' you, that I doubt it was this, Maybe the green with black? Hmmmnnnnn....rambling. Need food to function....!!!!!!!!

  9. Gorgeous Yvonne! and so sophisticated! I love it!

  10. Beautiful Yvonne!! It's always fun to get out of your comfort zone!!

  11. Such a beauty!! Am lovin' it Yvonne...

  12. this is spectacular! the dramatic black flowers are really eye grabbing

  13. this is spectacular! the dramatic black flowers are really eye grabbing


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.