

My patterned papers talk to me...*winks*


If there's one thing I would like to reduce in my stash, it would be patterned papers. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE patterned papers but the amount I have is ridiculous. Really.

I'm lucky to get new patterned papers via design team gigs but each time I cut through a new sheet of patterned paper, the "old" unused ones in my stash complain that I favour the new and abandon the old [yes, apparently my patterned papers talk to me...*LOL*]

So, I have a two-pronged strategy to using up my patterned papers. First, I would pick a new patterned paper for the background. Then I would work in my scraps to complement the chosen background.

Odd shaped papers can be torn and tucked behind photos for interest. And messy stitching can add fun texture. [The boy in the photos is nephew #1...:)]

Playing along with Sketchabilities.



  1. Totally adorable - love your tearing and stitching too!

  2. This is so fabulous!! The patterned papers are so fun!! I love the stitching and distressed edges!! And what adorable pictures!!

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Awesome page! Love the mix of patterns and stamping!

  4. Mine talks to me too!! LOL!! For someone who HATES to make mini's ... I have been making a TON of them lately, as I have found they use up A LOT of my papers that way!!!! LOL! So my paper keeps telling me to make more and more mini's!! Good bye old stash! HA!! I loveeeeeeeeeee your lo! LOVING the colors and the G45 lion!!!!!

  5. I'm reducing patterned paper too. I've been working for stores for the past 6 years which has meant that everything I had up until that point has pretty much gone untouched. Now I'm finally tackling that REALLY old stuff!

  6. Great page Yvonne!! Love the Green chevron background!

  7. Fabulous work!
    I probably have to live till 205 to finish all the paper I have now. : 0

  8. Fabulous artsy page! I need to commit to using up pp as well but always love the new DT papers tooooo much! Thanks for playing along with Sketchabilties!

  9. awesome creation ! love your tearing and stitching too

  10. Fabulous page ..lovely use of pps.. :)

  11. I always struggle with patterned paper so thanks for sharing your strategy!

  12. Beautiful LO! I loved your strategy about using up the old and new pattern papers! Totally love the stitching and the small little details you have added to the LO :)

  13. WOnderful page..Loved the chevron pp bg , torn n stitched papers ! The bird is awesome .I liked it most :D !

  14. Great LO.
    I know what you mean. I recently gave a whole box of papers away that I knew I wouldn't use. It felt so good. x

  15. Now, that's a great strategy....stick with it!!!! Love the lion here. And lovely photos...they look so Groen up in their school uniform!!!!!

  16. Oh yes I have lots of old papers too, and using them up feels really good, they make great back ground papers underneath where you cant see how old and dated they are!! This looks great.. I love the pattern on this paper, and wonderful photos too..

  17. What a awesome boy page! That lion to the left looks wonderful here with your mix to the right. They really compliment one another perfectly!

  18. Lovely LO and I have to say, I love that lion! TFS

  19. Very beautiful page... thanks for sharing at Sketchabilities!!!

  20. Such a AWESOME layout! Love the colors and all the little details. :)

  21. I agree with you, I have an obscene amount of pp, and I think its a great idea to tear off and use behind pics etc! I love your page!!

  22. LOVE the page Yvonne! male layouts are definitely tough to execute and I love what I see here! thanks for the ideas :) the stitching and the text stamping on the bg paper has definitely added a lot of interest to the layout! awesome page..:)

  23. Love your layout!
    Great texture and layering, such a good boy lo.
    Thanks for playing along at Sketchabilities.

  24. I feel a bit guilty over my patterned paper stash, I have so much of it...and I, too, tend to favor the new and neglect the old. Totally love your tips for blending the two, and for using up your scraps, including the odd-shaped papers. That is a great idea, and this page is gorgeous! Love the chevron background and love all those torn layers around the photos. That stitching is just amazing. Really love the text print stamping and the details like the sequins and the bird with his crazy string nest. And seriously, the lion in the corner? Now how fun is that?!!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.