

Are you into social media?


A lot has changed in the last 2 years with the explosion of social media. People now read blogs on their smartphones and tablets. And connect with their friends via other popular social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.

My blog remains the primary base for my creative projects because I enjoy sharing longer form content like tips and tutorials. And I also like to be able to backup my online content and move it to my own domain if I wanted to. 

However, this year I'm dusting off the cobwebs and making an effort to keep up with ALL my social media channels. *Fingers crossed* Some areas may intersect but I try to vary the content on the various platforms so that people don't get bored. *LOL*

My  Facebook Fan Page is where I share sneak peeks, craft supplies I like, ask for organizational tips and share my creative projects. All my extra projects that don't make it on my blog are shared here too. 

My blog posts autofeed to Twitter. I also share links to DIY tutorials I enjoy. 

If you are interested in my everyday mundane life, Instagram is where I post my food porn photos, travel photos, work-in-progress, weekend photos and videos of my nephews and niece and design team projects.

If you are interested in my other passions, Pinterest is where I pin other areas of interest like decor and cute stuff I like. I have not started pinning any of my creations here except for the mandatory design team group boards.    

What about you? Are you into social media?

P/s: Just a quick card using my "save-it-for-a-rainy-day" stash.



  1. What a fun the colors.

    I'm not on twitter or Instagram...I have a hard enough time keeping up on blogs & FB:)

    1. But you are super active on both. My main grouse with Facebook is that I don't get to see 100% of the feeds and they decide what I should see.

  2. beautiful card with cool colours Yvonne, social media - sometimes feel lazy to post :)

  3. Love your card Yvonne ..its just so pretty !! I am very much into social media networks and very keen on Pinterest right now :)Though not so much for Instagram or twitter !!

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with Social Media. There are days when I cannot get enough of it and there are days when I just want to run the heck away. ;)

    Lovely card

  5. Lovely card ! Seeing so many options to be social I must admit I am isolated ..:D !! I am only n only on blogger and Happy with that :) !

  6. Cute card..I've really only got 'into' FB majorly this year & I KNOW it's a complete time waster...but I'm suckered in...I started Pinterest & just don't have time any more....staying away from Twitter & have Instagram, but it just frustrates me so I don't do anything with it anymore!!! Phew.....there's probably a pile more 'platforms' I'm not even aware of, nor WISH to be:):)

  7. Love the card.
    As for Social Media I do my blog and instagram. I never figured out nor understood twitter.

  8. FB only in the AM when I wake up and PM before I go to bed admittedly - with that short time frame that I am on - I do miss a lot :) twitter have, don't use. instagram have, don't use. pinterest have AND USE :) And wellllllll you know I do the blogs *wink* :) I loveeeeeeee your card .. loving the trees!! :)

  9. I'm on a blogging...I love looking at everyone's blogs in LARGE size. I find instagram a lot of fun....really no time for anything else.....I want to keep my life fun....and keep out the overwhelming if you know what I mean.
    Great pretty and fun!

  10. I love this card! I love Facebook, Blogging and Instagram.

  11. Love your fab "stash" card :)
    I'm not very good with any sosial media at the minute, I have my blog and FB, but not on twitter, instagram, snapchat or what ever they are called. My FB is negelected and I don't spend enough time on my blog either, which is a bit sad. I admire your dedication Yvonne, to try and reach out there with all you fun tips and tutorials. Always so much inspiration to find here :) 👍🎨✂💡

  12. This is so awesome!! I just love the trees and the pretty butterfly!! I'm eh with social media. I FB and Pinterest (now following you!!) but I don't do Twitter or Instagram. It's all I can do to keep up with the blog world and FB!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  13. I'm not really into social media. I use and like Facebook. I'm on Pinterest, but mainly for my job and to pin things to private boards; I don't use it socially. I have a Twitter account that I've never used (the principal of Trevor's school told everyone to sign up because she'll tweet out instructions if there are emergencies). I don't see the appeal of Instagram.

    1. Surprisingly I enjoy the pics on Instagram. A great alternative for people who can't express themselves through worded stories. And I love that there are no ads!

  14. It's a wonderful card Yvonne!
    Thank You for sharing your tips on social media ;)

  15. Gorgeous card Yyam! Love the all the patterned papers...Amazing!!!

  16. What an adorable card, Yvonne! Absolutely love that happy woodland scene, and I'm constantly inspired by your use of found bits on your papercraft projects. Absolutely love the way you used the recycled twine here, and that shoe strap? OMGosh, genius!
    I definitely use some social media, but think overall I'm not into it as much as many are these days. I don't do Twitter, and try as I might, I don't understand the format of Instagram...haha...
    But I'm definitely obsessed with Pinterest!

  17. We share the same interest for social media sites, Yvonne. They let us help people who are in search for easy home remedy, DIYs of everything and anything under the sun or inspiration for their crafts by sharing the knowledge and skills that we have. Not to mention that it also help us as well.

    Clwyd Probert


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.