

Happy birthday Do More With Less! :)

Hello friends! This month is Do More With Less's birthday! She's four! :)

To be in the running for this giveaway...leave a comment telling me a little about yourself AND one tutorial you would really like me to share on this site [flattery of any kind is acceptable...*winks*].

I will pick a winner at the end of the month [I hare long mine are always short!*LOL*]



  1. Happy Birthday fun 4 years...that is awesome.. I am so glad that I found your has been a special treat everytime I visit.. Thanks for all the inspiration..

    I would love to see a video of you doing one of your canvases..

  2. Happy birthday, Blog...& your Owner!!!! You know me. I'm Lizzy & I'm trying my hardest to get into more mixed media. With mixed results! Would love to see a tut on what different looks/ideas can be achieved with texture paste:):) Sozzy if you've already done this...only joined you, dear Blog, recently::):)!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Happy birthday to your bloggy!!!! I loveeeeeeee your giveaway!!! I think you know A LOT about me all ready! LOL!!! I love when you share misting techniques!!!!!

  4. Happy fourth Blogoversary Yvonne :)...and what a fantastic 4 years its been :) ...I found your blog 2 years back and its been so inspiring following you so many tips from you in various techniques and media's ...I adore your paper piecing and the way you do Mixed Media ...So what I really would love a Tutorial on is how you do Misting in your BG and the way you go about creating an LO from scratch :)...have asked for too much?? !!...but that's what i really would love to know from you :).

  5. happy happy birthday!!!! how exciting!!!! I found your blog about a year ago from Amy T. My name is Wendi, I'm from Cali, a total beach chick and LOVE to scrap!!! I always LOVE learning anything mixed media!! I've been super nervous to try and so I love to find anything I can to learn more.

  6. I am a working professional and I hate it so much that I cant spend a lot of time on crafting even when I love it so much ! Really...I love your work and guest designer challenges..Congratulations on completing 4 years :) Thats a bigggg milestone...
    Since I have never attempted to make a layout before , could you do a tutorial on how to start from scratch and what are the must haves for a beginner in creating layouts!

  7. Happy Bloggie Birthday to you!!! :D

    I would love for you to share tutorial on altered art! :D

  8. wow..four years is quite a achievement...have been regularly silently following ur post...dont get to post comnets regularly as i check blog posts on phone on way to wrk & its challenge posting comments frm phne...i would love to see tutorial on creating background frm scratch

  9. Happy 4th Birthday!!!. I don't know how you do this, I'm beginning to slack off my blog posting already :). I missed our 'tea time' too, must get back to that cake shop!!. Hey, come again sometime, I love having you here. And, please don't include me in the give away ... let others have a piece of your beautiful artwork :). Bear Hugs.

  10. Happy birthday, girlie. Best wishes.

  11. Happy Birthday to your blog and thanks for all the fun and great project you have shared with us. As posted below ( lol:P) I'm a big fan of your canvases and I would love to see a tutorial how to make a canvas from scratch and also how do you make does little mini explanations with text and arrows at the bottom of your post. Love to follow your blog for years to come :)

  12. Congrats on your blog being 4 years young! ;-) I know that having a blog really takes time and energy, but it is really a nice way that others get to see your "love"! I am a very happy scrapper and between work, home and "life happening" I make time to do this thing I love - scrapping! Thanks for the opportunity of winning some wonderful "play" goodies!
    I would be great if you could share with us some ideas of creativity with alcohol inks! ;-)

  13. Congrats Yvonne.You know me already..he he and about tutorials I love your list type tutorials/tips .
    Dr Sonia

  14. Yay!!! Happy Blog Birthday Yvonne!!! Hmmm! guess you know about me already. I would love a tutorial on how you create those lovely mix media canvas with tons of texture. Thanks and hope you will get a chance to share that.

  15. Wonderful Yvonne - congratulations! Scrap Addict is just a little older than you :) I would like to see a tutorial on time management and how long it takes you to work on a layout, etc and how you fit your creative schedule into your week! Now there's an unusual request!!

  16. Happy Birthday "Do More with Less!" 4! That's huge :) I too love seeing your lists of design tips - even though I am mostly a card-maker I know I've learned lots from your scrap posts! I think seeing how you incorporate tissue paper & so on into your textured backgrounds would be fabulous. I also really enjoyed your guest tutorials with other bloggers!
    As for about me, um, stay-at-home mom? Avid reader? Consider any day spent in pajamas a success? lol. Congrats, Yvonne!

  17. Congratulations and happy 4th blog birthday to you.I´m following your blog since 2 yrs the day i have started my own blog..i got to know it from Juhi.I would love to see the tutorial of your mix media canvas with differet textures.

  18. happy Blogaversary! 4 years...that's super!

  19. Happy Blogaversary! That's so exciting! I would love to see you do a tutorial on how you do the tissue paper and gesso on your canvases. I tried googling it and was unsuccessful LOL! :)

  20. Happy Happy Blogoversary to you and your blog, Yvonne! A little about me? I was born in Ohio and now live in Massachusetts. Later this year my husband and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. Wow! Time really does fly :-).

    I would love to see a tutorial on how you put so much texture into your canvases. I am intrigued by your current favorite fingerpainting!

  21. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I'd love to see a tutorial on misting!!!

  22. Happy Birthday Do More with Less..and many congratulations Yvonne for completing 4 successful year of blogging..i have seen your LO and they are so the way you do misting and backgrounds..i remember first time i heard of using masking tape is on your blog are so versatile..would love to see some tutorials on masking tape and misting !!
    Have a wonderful day !!

  23. A very happy blogoversary Yvonne...4 years is a huge milestone.. I have already begun to feel lazy about posting.. FB is to be blamed for it.. I am logging onto blogger less and less these days...Now what to say about a tutorial.. your three cool chicks workshop really cleared a lot of my doubts about usage of certain elements inc rafting.. So just bring in any tutorials.. People whoa re new to crafting like me are going to lap it up...

  24. I've mentioned this before, but I want to see a video of you making one of your tissue paper / fingerpainting canvases from start to finish. Or, at least the creating of the background.

    Something about myself you don't know? Hmm... I'm left handed. Did you know that?

  25. Happy Birthday!!! Yay!!! LOVE this blog! I am a SAHM who loves paper crafting and totally use it as an escape and creative outlet to express myself as something other than a MOM hehehe! I would love to see a tutorial on finding things in the kitchen and adding them to a layout/card!

  26. Happy bloggy birthday! I'm a scrapbooker who is very slowly transitioning into mixed media canvas art. I would LOVE to see a tutorial on one of your super textured canvas works!!!

  27. WOW !!! happy Blogaversary! 4 years...that's AWESOME.... I really miss coming over to see you here!!!

    Big hugs my friend... I really miss ya.. will whatapps you soon.... hope everything is well for you...hugs...xoxo

  28. Happy blog birthday!!! Your work is so cool and I love your fun style! You know I have a happy, funky style and I love to push myself to the sometimes more subdued side... sometimes!!! :D I would love to see a how to on using crayons on projects... :D

  29. Happy 4 year B-day.. The reason I love this blog is your awesome stories and your cute photos of your Nieces and Nephews.


  30. Congrats! I love your work and how you combine different elements into a work of art! Not sure what your next tutorial should be...I haven't watched all the ones you've already created!

  31. happy blogoversary Yvonne. 4 years is a great achievement.All your tutorials help me a lot. Any beginner like me would like to refer you blog daily.
    Healthy recipes

  32. Happy Blogger Birthday! Every post is a gift to us!

  33. Happy birthday! So glad that you were're so inspirational!

  34. Happy Blog Birthday!! Yours was the first non manufacturer blog that I followed :0) Your tutorials have led me down so many different crafty paths. So thank you for all the inspiration and long may it continue x

  35. Wow!!! Congrats for turning four...many more to come gurl! All ur tutorials and postings has always something inspiring and new in it but to trace out I would love to c u making diffrent textured backgrounds with misting techniques. I am a Mommy of two gurls and new in mixed media...Love ur work:) Hugs!Shivani

  36. hi yvonne.......congrajulations and celebrations!!!!!love your style and i am all thing a days love in mix media , wanna to learn more about it,wanna to see your mix media projects.thanks for all tute on your blog ,they are just saviours whenever needed.

  37. CONGRATS on 4 years--HAPPY birthday!!!! <3

  38. Such an awesome giveaway, Yvonne. Happy birthday to your blog!!! YAy!!! I would love to hear about how you are inspired to make a project - what inspires you and go from there!!!!! Thanks!!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.