

Why I make my own blooms...and some winners! :)

Thanks card

I wonder if you've noticed that I hardly ever use premade flowers on my projects. I either fussy-cut my blooms from patterned papers or make them out of felt. It's not that I don't have any premade blooms. Really it's because I'm pretty lousy at using them. *LOL*.

I marvel at those beautiful blooms on other people's layouts but try as I might, they just look very out of place on my projects. They are either the wrong colour or the wrong size. *LOL* Sticking to making my own. *winks*

Supplies: My Mind's Eye patterned paper, Heidi Grace pin, Adorn It stickers, KaiseCraft pearls, trim, corrugated board, tulle. handmade felt blooms.

A big thank you to those of you who played along with my guest Michelle's neon challenge. The winner is

Scarlett with this fabulous layout

Congratulations Scarlett! Please email me with your mailing details so that I can get your RAK out to you! :)

And the winner of my "chest of drawers" filled with trinkets giveaway is

Woohoo! Congrats Miae! Please email me your mailing details! :)



  1. I loveeeeeee your card!! LOVING the flowers you make!! And congrats to the winners!

  2. your card...the blooms...the FAB lace and tulle...excellent.

  3. This is a fabby card and the love the bloom Yvonne.. I for one suck at making flowers.. Or should I say I have never really tried it.. Now I think I should try my hand at it..

  4. Beautiful elements!! Love the design and textures! AND I went shopping today :)

  5. Your flowers are beautiful! If I had the patience to make flowers as well as you--I wouldn't buy any either!! :)

  6. Beautiful- you make corrugated board look so feminine! You could have fooled me with those felt DYI flowers- I'm going to have to try the circle one- it's so cute!!!
    Congrats to the winners! YAAAAY!

  7. Thats so nice u make your own blooms !! Even i do a lot of them with punchcraft !!pretty card with soft colors !!

  8. I am right there with you Yvonne, I make all my own blooms. Just can't see buying them when you can make them so much nicer and a whole lot cheaper. Beautiful card..

  9. Yvonne... I love your handmade blooms... colors matches the kraft... I spotted the tulle!!! Make this card perfect!!! Hugs...xoxo

    Congrats Winners!!

  10. The blooms are gorgeous, and so is the card, I especially love the soft tone!

  11. i love these gorgeous blooms i have made flowers with paper so many times but have yet to try it on other materials...seeing your beautiful flowers i am so tempted to give it a try....your card looks so lovely as well!!!
    And congrats to all the winners:)

  12. keep on making your awesome blooms girl :)
    beautiful card!!!

    congrats to the winners :)

  13. WOhoo! What a FAB card and AMAZING flowers!!!! Who would need store bought when having a talent like that????

  14. Oh wow, I was super surprised to see I won!! Yay, thanks Yvonne! And I really this your card is so cute, it literally seems to bloom! Will email you my info :)

  15. What a pretty your home-made blooms:) I have jars of flowers I have bought ages ago......but I too find I like the ones I make best.

  16. I adore your card! Love all the fun textures (tulle! Cool!) and I'm the same way with purchased ones. Unless I also bought other things in the collection, they're never the right style/color/size for what I want :)

  17. ur cards look lovely with those DIY flowers, they add tht special touch, and always are so pretty,

    ps thank u so much for the birthday wishes, :) :)

  18. I love your blooms so much!!! I'm no good at using store-bought ones either... handmade ones look so lovely. You are very clever with your hand made blooms!!!

  19. Makes sense! I think if everyone else could make flowers as well as you can, they wouldn't use the premade ones either!

  20. Only yesterday I was thinking of your felt flowers. I have to make those loopy flowers and I so agree with you.Making flowers is so much more fun than buying them


  21. wow those felt flowers are so amazing...and I love that added lace...this card is amazing Yvonne. Totally love it.

  22. Oh wow! I just love this! So soft, so sweet!

  23. OHHH! Those felt flowers are FABULOUS! I LOVE that tulle---love this entire card:)

  24. Spectacular card Yvonne - I don't do so hot with store bought flowers either - but I love making felt ones too - honestly I love anything I can make out of felt, LOL

    And a big YAY!!! on winning the neon challenge!! This is a rare happening for me - uber excited! Thank you.

  25. You should sell your blooms Yvonne! You make them so beautifully!! I know what you mean about not being comfortable with a lot of them on your layouts though - you're either a flower girl or you're not. I feel that way about other embellishments...

  26. Beautiful card and flowers!!! Love the dimension in them. I feel the same way about premade flowers. I have a ton of them, but never feel comfortable on how I place them on my layouts!

  27. Beautiful flowers! So soft and pretty!

  28. Well, I think your handmade flowers are absolutely gorgeous and unique, so I don't blame you at all for preferring to make them. This card is stunning!

  29. Iove your hand made flowers! Just think -they are so pretty and much less expensive, too!

  30. Well, if I could make blooms as gorgeous as yours, I wouldn't use any others, either! LOL They truly are beautiful, and Love the colors you picked for them.

  31. fabulous felt blooms, Yvonne! so soft and pretty! beautiful card!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.