

My first banner...

Photo courtesy of Timothy Issac.

Hello friends! :) So I made my first ever banner...and it doesn't involve paper...*LOL*. Found these cute little plastic squares with a floral design [I still have no idea what they are for actually...haha...just happy that I didn't have to cut any paper!] at the art store. Added a handmade felt bloom, some dangly clear beads at the bottom and a silver bow at the top. Love that they are strung on some pretty aqua beads. :)

P/s: I made a ton of stuff including the bridal bouquet, groom's boutonnierre, pom poms....will share pics from the event (this Sunday) soon. Wish me luck...I only have 2 hours to decorate the place! :) Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. ur cousin is so fortunate to have you for her wedding!! the banners are real pretty!

  2. The banners look so sure it will be much appreciated in the wedding too!!!

  3. Wow good luck but from what I see so far you won't need any luck! That banner is gorgeous!

  4. that is so nice, where did you get that plastic square? love the simplicity of this banner, just add bits here and there and voila!!! beautiful Yvonne!

  5. I am sure your cousin is overwhelmed with what all you created with her. Lovely creation Yvonne. TFS and Happy New Year once again.

  6. Hey Yconne how lovely to see your face on my page :0) Have a fabulous time at the wedding and good luck with making your cousin's wedding beautiful, From what I have seen it will look stunning!!
    Looking forward to seeing all the photos, Ali x

  7. Fabulous banner! I am actually in love with the decorations you did for your cousins wedding! I am sure the event will be a big hit! Wish you all the luck!

  8. Oooh and how fabulous does this look! You are so resourceful! What a creative mind you possess!
    Love it and especially the colour!

  9. Love love love love love love this!!!! I loveeeeeee those flowers and the plastic canvasses ... and PS... those are for needlepoint (similar to cross stitch but with yarn and only one stitch instead of two)... I used to do it when I was younger and my MIL still does! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. you've worked so hard on the wedding, now you can relax and have fun! sweet banner!

  11. Wishing you the best of luck, Yvonne! I know you will whip that place into shape--even if you only have two hours. :)

  12. This is so pretty, I love all the decorations u have made. the castle is the best! I am sure u will rock:) ALL THE BEST!

  13. beautiful! I can't wait to see pictures of all the stuff you made inside the reception hall.

  14. I seriously CANNOT wait to see what this reception is going to look like.

  15. beautiful banner girl :)

    those are plastic canvas squares used to make coasters and such. you just use yarn or floss for stitching on them. i used to use yarn and do needlepoint on them :)

  16. Banners are really cute, good luck !!!

  17. It's beautiful! Have fun at the wedding, can't wait to see pics!

  18. gorgeous banner! you are the best wedding decorator, girl! =)

  19. pretty! looks so elegant. :)


  20. OH MY GOOOODNESS! This is an amazing banner--LOVE that silver ribbon and the blue beads!! I can't wait to see all the pics!! You are going to do fine with 2 hours to decorate!!! <3

  21. seriously I bet the wedding looked magical with all your hard work that you've put into it. FAB banner.

  22. Beautiful! It looks so pretty and elegant! Your cousin is so very lucky to have you!!
    Enjoy!!Looking forward to all the pics!!

  23. Your altered projects rock! Love this!

  24. First of all thanks for your lovely words in my blog!!!!Was very sweet!!
    Second just gorgeus , this look so pretty and cute at all!!Great job.
    Have a wonderful 2012!!
    Big huges and kisses

  25. What a find. I am sure as I am reading this that the event is already over. I can't wait to see all the pics.

  26. oh you are a woman of many talents :-)

  27. so pretty. those squares remind me of something used for needle work of some kind. very unique pattern on them. love what you did... I'm sure your decorating turned out fabulous.

  28. Those look like plastic canvas pieces. You can find it very inexpensively over here... but not you've got me thinking... using plastic canvas in some creations, I may need to pick some up. Oh and the banner is truly unique and brilliant, the things you come up with amaze me!

  29. Oooh, what a clever and unique banner, not to mention beautiful! Those little canvas pieces are perfect for this. LOVE the rolled flowers! And can't wait to see some photos from the big event!

  30. This is one of the prettiest banners I have EVER seen - seriously - I think you need to go into wedding decor as a business - you are excellent my friend!!

  31. Wonderful!! Can't wait to see more! Your cousin is lucky to have you!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.