

A tribute to my darling boy, Joey.

Celebrate card

Today's post is a tribute to my darling boy, Joey. My 14 year old Shih Tzu died last night. :(  In his heyday, he was a bird-chasing dog with a penchant for apples and low tolerance for people who took too long to serve him his meals. He barked whenever I asked "Who's my darling boy?" and he worked hard for a piece of doggy chocolate. While I'm torn over his passing,  instead of mourning, I'm going to celebrate the wonderful memories he left me. Miss you my darling boy.

Supplies: (from Your Scrapbook Stash) Crate Paper patterned papers, stickers, packaging, button, May Arts ribbon, wooden tag, burlap, twine, distress ink


  1. Aww.... so sorry to hear about the loss of your darling boy, hugs......
    That is a beautiful card for Joey!

  2. oh sorry to hear about the loss of your darling joey,but what a lovely way to remember him ,your card looks so beautiful,the colors the embellishment are just so perfect.

  3. sorry to hear that Yvonne! great card indeed!

  4. sorry to hear that Yvonne! great card indeed!

  5. sorry to hear that Yvonne! great card indeed!

  6. Aww Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you made a tribute and that you shared it with us. Hugs to you girl!

  7. Sorry to hear of your loss but love your card and tribute to your Joey.

  8. Oh Yvonne you must be heart broken you had him for 14 years. When our dog passed away after 10 years of loving us we were devastated so right of you to celebrate his life.

  9. Sorry to hear about your loss. What a lovely tribute to his memory.

  10. I'm so so sorry to read this Yvonne.
    I know this hurt. We are a house of pets and just adore them all. This is the worst bit when it comes to having pets.
    Sending you a big hug xxx

  11. I am so sorry for your loss! :( *sigh* I would be lost without my Dandy! :( I loveeeeeeeeeee the card you made, gorgeous colors and loving the burlap! {{{hugs}}} my friend... :):):)

  12. Loosing a beloved pet has to be hard, will be thinking of you today. Your card is beautiful!

  13. So, so sorry to hear about your sweet boy, Joey! Pets are just the most amazing things. I'm so happy that you had so many wonderful years together. :) LOVE your card. Fabulous texture, gorgeous mixture. Love the design!

  14. Sending hugs your way Yvonne. My sister lost one of her Shih Tzu's several months ago. They are the sweetest fur babies. Love your beautiful card. :)

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss, Yvonne. I'm so glad that you'll be celebrating your wonderful memories instead of mourning. Wishing you peace.

  16. So sad to hear! Take care!

    You have made a wonderful card!

  17. so sorry about joey, yvonne. i hope your memories ease the loss:)

  18. aaawww.. Thats super sad.. Thats a lovely tribute.. I can only imagine.. what you must be going thru.. *hugs*

  19. I'm so sorry for your loss! Sending a hug and a hurray for that beautiful card celebrating the happy memories!!!

  20. what an awesome tribute.. I know what it feels like to lose your pet.. But he had a great life with you guys and remember the wonderful moments spent together... :-)

  21. OH MY GOOOODNESS--I'm SO SORRY that your little guy passed away! Pets are family members--I love love love the story of how he would work hard for a piece of doggy chocolate! LOVE this card--love that texture and the layers! LOVE that you are celebrating his life! Praying for peace and I pray that the memories of your Joey will bring smiles and comfort:)

  22. awww.... sending you big hugs, Yvonne. so sorry to hear about the sad news about your darling boy. love that you chose to celebrate his life rather than mourning. this is so very sweet. i love it. =)

  23. Oh Yvonne I am so sorry to hear this :( Soooo sorry!! Big hugs to you!!! Very beautiful card too :)

  24. Ahhh Yvonne... Am sorry to hear about your loss Doggy...Sucha cute card and precious too.... hugs...xoxo

    take it easy eh...xoxo

  25. Oh so sorry to hear. His spirit will be with you always. I am sure you can still hear him moving about. Hugs to you.

  26. Big hugs, sorry about the passing :( Great card and I'm sure there were lots of fond memories...

  27. So sorry for your loss! But I love your spirit of celebrating the fond memories! Lovely card!

  28. Oh Yvonne, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Celebrating his life is wonderful, albeit hard right now, I am sure. Sending you a hug from across the world!

  29. You are brave! I usually just shut down... it's like he world just stops for me. But what you did is beautiful. Beautiful indeed.

  30. Oh are you doing? good for you for celebrating his memories....hang in there...super cute card!

  31. Here's to Joey! Celebrate his life and the good memories you've shared. I also had a shih tzu who was a joy in my life. The card is beautiful and so is your love for Joey.

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about Joey! Hugs to you my friend!
    Your card is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!

  33. Sorry to hear about your darling boy. Your card is cute!! Big huG's!!

  34. So sorry to hear about your dog. Losing pets is so hard.

    This card is lovely, I'm sure he appreciates it in doggy heaven :)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.