

I'm having one of those crazy...I-think-I-overextended-myself...weeks! :)

What a hoot!

Hello friends! I'm having one of those crazy...I-think-I-overextended-myself...weeks! :)

The last count on  my google reader...

The temptation to mark all as "READ" is very great at this point. I hate when it gets over 1000..makes me feel inefficient...*LOL*

What a hoot! closeup

I did get this layout done over the weekend for the challenge at Sketchy Thursdays though.

Supplies: American Crafts papers and thickers, Stickers from SRM Stickers, E.A.D designs, Sam & Lucy, Jenni Bowlin and 7 Gypsies,  Maya mist, black pen.

P/s: One more day to get your entries in for my guest Erum's ribbon flower challenge! :)



  1. I'm sorry that you feel overextended, I often get that way too and then feel really bad for not commenting on everyone's blogs. Your layout is full of fun!

  2. LOVE that sun! Hope it all slows down for you.

  3. Loveeeeeeeeeee this Yvonne! I loveeeeeeeeeee that photo, the sun and clouds! Thanks soooooooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I am with you on the week. I am having the same kind. Not good. Hope yours gets LOTS better!! Thanks for playing with Sketchy Thursdays!

  5. happy thursday!!! it's still Wednesday here. =) this is super cute! love the sun and the photo.

  6. Love the page! Great job with the colors and patterns on this. Cute!

  7. love love how you used the Amy Tan stuff!!!! just a great page! Thanks for joining us this week at Sketchy Thursdays!

  8. I love your glares.... and super layout.. Those clouds look super cute...!!

  9. Wow! I love this! What a fun lo with a really great look to it! Nice pic too! :)

  10. Just click read all and you'll feel so much better :) Click, done, life goes on. Fabulous layout.

  11. What a cool LO.
    Love that little camera stamp x

  12. I love it when a scene is created- the sun, clouds and plane are gorgeous.

    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  13. I know exactly what it feels like to be over extended. No fun at all. Great layout using the Amy Tan line.

  14. great LO love those clouds and the sun and very cute pics ,i agree with khush your glares look great.

  15. Love Amy Tan!! You used her products well! I haven't done it yet but heard you can organize google reader folders -- you know, other DT members, most favorite blog, the group of I'll comment on theirs once in a while... :)

  16. Sometimes marking all as read is a good idea. Just sayin' :) Love your page. Totally fun with the sun and all. Cute little plane!!!

  17. So adorable! LOVE the clouds and sun plus the tiny mini aeroplane!

  18. Take care of yourself me friend!

    That lo is amazing, the picture, but I love the details, the clouds, the plane en the beautiful colors1

  19. You totally rock the AC -Amy Tan's line! Love it to bits!!!

  20. So fun! Just love those clouds and that sun :>)

  21. Great the elements...esp the safety pin border.I hope your next week is relaxed and you have time to recuperate

  22. ahhh not a good thing... take it easy okay...

    anyhooo love your layout... its look HAWT eh...what a hoott... hugs...xoxo

  23. such an awesome page, yvonne! love the little owl cluster!

  24. awesome page layout...don't you just love that collection from American Crafts... Looks great..

  25. OHHH! I can totally relate--I just looked at my feeder (650)! I don't know what to do when I take a day off of blogging! So no worries-- you are not alone:)

    LOOOOOOVE your LO! I wish I had an eye for layering and clustering and misting/painting and creating like YOU!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the papers and the little owl! I love how he is on top of the camera! FUN!

  26. Whoa that Google Reader looks a little like my e mail - although not half as bad LOL! I couldn't stand using GR so made a private blog & input everyone's blogs in there, so I can read & catch up as I can, makes me feel so much better! I just try to ensure that every week I get through everyone's personal blogs. Not able to do that on all the other blogs though!! And I'm subscribing via e mail wherever I can. Works a treat!! Did it on yours so that's why I'm such an efficient commenter LOL - and now finally onto that layout - very awesome stuff girl - a lovely photo & I love all your paper piecing at the top!!

  27. It doesnt take much for me to over extend myself :-P

  28. LOL!.. The blog reader thingy happens to me too! ;)
    Fabbie LO!.. Love all the layering and the fabbie colours!.. The owl is soo cute! :)

  29. Fab LO ! love d wat u placed d sentiment !

  30. What a fun layout. Love how you misted by the sun!

  31. Cute layout!!!! Love the sun and clouds!!!! Yikes on the Google Reader! Do what you can is what I say! Can't always keep up with everyone!!!

  32. lol You are too funny! Go ahead and mark it all "Read"! lol Awesome layout!

  33. Love the layout... great texture with your sun and clouds.
    Slow down a bit, girl... breathe.

  34. delightful layout! love the big sun and you girls look fabulous in the photo! =) really fun page!

  35. Thats such a wonderful picture and a perfect layout to scrap it! Love the bold sun and those fun clouds :)

  36. whatta your layout....I feel the same way...I feel a sense of anxiety when my google reader gets backed up...ugh, why do I feel that way...and I think you answered it...I feel like I've been inefficient with my time...BUT I gotta remind myself that it is all for fun...right? I hope you have a most relaxing weekend..unplugged.

  37. Gorgeous layout, wonderful colors, as usual! Sometimes I just forget about catching up in Google Reader, hit the Mark As Read, and move forward!

  38. This is my all time fave page of yours. Love the design. I'm soooo behind on everything too. Still gotta read all of my Lessology emails too. :)

  39. I hope life slows down for you, too, Yvonne. It can be so hectic at times!!!!! The sunny layout you created is fabulous! I love it!!!!!

  40. Ooh, awesome page! Love the big sun and layered clouds!

  41. looks like you two were having a great time :)

    oh don't feel that way!! goodness you should see what my reader says.......... way over 1000! lol


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.