

How to: Create an outdoor "scene" background using mists

Best wishes

Hi there! :)Those of you who have been reading my blog know how much I enjoy using mists on my creations. It can be a very subtle way to "freshen" up old papers or just add a subtle sheen to any project. Today I want to share how to create an outdoor scene background using mists.

Here are the supplies you require...

White cardstock/watercolour paper, a box to mist in (so the mist doesn't go everywhere) and various mist colours. I use Maya Mists because I love the strong intense colours they come in and a little goes a long way. Plus, they dry almost instantaneously. (But you can use Glimmer Mists if you like subtle colours).

I started by using the green mist for the grass. The closer you spray, the more intense the colour. My first spritz is about 3 - 4 inches away and then I add another spritz about 2 inches from the paper for an intense burst of colour.

Then I used blue mist for the sky.  You will notice that the paper starts to curl a little. No worries. When it dries, it will be completely flat (unless you spritzed too generously).

Then I added a bit of yellow mist. It's okay that the colours overlap each other...but you can mask the sections off for a neater outcome of course...:)

Some Copic-coloured digi images from Some Odd Girl and my little scene is completed! :)
*This tutorial was first shared in the Some Odd Girl newsletter and edited for this blog post.*

Please go check out the new releases from Some Odd Girl! Here's a sneak of what I did with the new has something to do with next week's giveaway...;)

P/s: Don't forget about Flashback Friday 6.0! You have till Friday to link up your entries. The prize is a yet-to-be released Sparkle Creations Rubber Stamp! I would really love for you to play along! :)



  1. I have always loved your misting and today you have shared how to do it,thanx a lot gal,will surely give it a try.But Just that we dont get most of the crafting supplies here in INDIA.

  2. Oh how sweet! great tutorial too.

  3. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this Yvonne! I love love love love that rainbow and clouds!!! CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Fab card.. Love how happy the card look.. makes me smile and lift my spirits..

    Love all the images and the scene you have created..

    Fabulous wishes for you :)

  5. Thanks a lot for this lovely tutorial. Anything from you is a treat for the eyes!

  6. That is so adorable..... I loved the little cutie pie with a deer on the front of that awesomely & beautifully created BG..... You are such a fine PRO! I would love to give it a try too, well, when I'm able to lay my hands on some mist colors.... Till then I will satisfy myself with that gorgeous creation of yours.... Hugs)))


  7. I just love colorful so bright!

  8. So bright n cheerful. I love the image n the misting.
    Thanku for ur swet comment on my blog dear.

  9. Hey Yvonne ... YOU are ... listed as ONE of them... probably because... you did not click on the Yvonne LIM.... I mis-spelled YAM to LIM your surname.... SO SORRY... but the link was to YOU.... :)

    Bbig hugs my dearest friend... xoxo

  10. Great tut... always get too generous with the mists and panic over the paper.

  11. Hey ... Sista... Great misting ...great tutorial... Thanks for sharing ...cute card too... So you!!! ... xoxo

  12. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this and thanks for the how to!!!!

    I so need to get some time to create!!!

    Wishing you a great day sweet friend!!!

  13. Love it and thanks for the great tutorial.

  14. This is insanely cute!!! Coincidently, I just finished a layout similar to this - but I used water colours. This looks GREAT!!!

  15. love your misting and loved this tutorial too :)Thanks for sharing

  16. wow! I LOVE this card! it is so fun! LOVE IT! thanks for the tut, maybe it will be useful in the future if I ever purchase these mists...

  17. Your misting is fantastic and unique as always! Thanks for the tutorial :-)


  18. Wow so cute ... U must be thinking of you and your boyfriend when you do this up :)

  19. Thanks for sharing this tutorial, oh Queen of the Mists! I need to get more mists, I still only have the one. LOL

  20. Oh my goodness, how incredibly cute is this? I love this one! So much fun!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.