

Today is a gift

Today is a gift

Sometimes it's hard to wake up in the morning and tell yourself..."Today is a gift" especially when you've spent the night counting billions of sheep (including the ones on my jammies). But I try every single day. *High fives all around*

Not to look for that one spectacular thing that would make me deliriously happy but to appreciate the little moments of sweetness in life. You know, when a stranger holds the door open for you, when someone sends you a 'Just because' card, when your bloggy pal leaves you the sweetest comment or when someone's face just lights up when you enter the room (okay it could totally be my neon outfit blinding said person but I choose to think it's due to my awesomeness!) *LOL*

Well, thank you for reading thus far.:) I want to share this layout that I did. Some misting on the background. And lots of different handmade flowers for my guest blogger Sherryann Eckblad's handmade flowers challenge. Echo Park Papers. 

Have the most awesome Thursday! :)



  1. well of course you're awesome!!!!! Love your fun layout...echo park papers are fabbie, aren't they? Your blooms are absolutely wonderful!!!!!

  2. SENDING BIG HUS to YOU YOU YOU! :):):):):):):):):):):) I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that wow wow wow wow!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee all those GORGEOUS FLOWERS!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. That is so amazing as usual. You do such great work.

  4. wow!.. beautiful LO!.. love the handmade flowers!.. and the misting!.. and of course the doilies! :)

  5. Look at the handmade flowers they are spectaculair...wonderful lo!

  6. This is such a beautiful layout Yvonne. I love how you use such bright a cheery colors. Every time I come here (every day hehe), I leave with your sunshine.

    Thanks for inspiring.


  7. Big hugs to you my sweet friend! Hope sleep comes tonight for you ;)
    I love your way of looking at life...those are just the things that keep us going you know!
    So here's a sweet comment to brighten your day, making a smile on your face and a big, big hug again!!!

  8. And another comment on your awesome layout! I love that misting, the flowers, that doiley and that photo is beautiful!
    So gorgeous how you worked those papers! LOVE it!

  9. All so very true! This is one awesome page created by such an awesome person :>)

  10. i looove all your handmade flowers, esp the one made of bead trim :D

    it's great you have such a positive outlook on life :D

  11. be still my heart. Oh how I love your handmade flowers. Love the crocheted piece.

  12. be still my heart. Oh how I love your handmade flowers. Love the crocheted piece.

  13. be still my heart. Oh how I love your handmade flowers. Love the crocheted piece.

  14. Hi! Your blog title led me here as it conveyed a message to me. Lovely creations. I think I'll follow you for more inspiration. Do stop by my blog when you can.~ Leanne

  15. I think that you provide gifts to us with your beautiful layouts and I look forward to seeing what you've created on a daily basis. Thank you. What a wonderful layout you have here, and the flowers are divine.

  16. Sista... of course you are awesome!!.... Evidently here... you share with us your beautiful creation always... This Layout is just beautiful... i love all the different sorts of handmade flowers you made... that is just DEVINE!!!... I just love everything on this LO to bits...xoxo...

  17. are so funny! Of course you are AWESOME! You really are! Have you ever consider of selling your crocheted flowers! I would totally be your first customer!

  18. I love I love I love!! The flowers are gorgeous :-) Awesome details... lovely misting. And awesome you, of course ;-)


  19. There's so much I like about this layout...and those papers. I have resisted them till now LOL Yes appreciating the little things is what it's all about. Wish I could live every day like it's my last.

  20. Nothing to do with the colourful outfit, it's definitely your awesomeness ! Have a good weekend.

  21. Oh, this is just beautiful! Love all those flowers you made, and your clustering is amazing!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.