

My lil crafty corner

Hello friends! :) I've a treat for you today! My guest is the sweet Cindy Lee from My Lil Crafty Corner! Some of you might recognize her as the pretty bride from this project I made...:) She is an incredibly talented cardmaker and makes gorgeous cards! :)

Here's a sampling of Cindy's wonderful work!

Cindy is sharing a masking technique with us today! :)


When I received an email from Yvonne asking me to be guest on her blog, my mind went blank and when it started functioning again, I shrieked with excitement, "Oh my! Is this for real?" Oh yes it is! Here I am taking over her blog as the guest for today. Yvonne is a wonderful friend I met through blogging and I thank her for giving me the honor of sharing my work with you!

Here is a little something about myself. My name is Cindy and I'm from Malaysia. I discovered cardmaking two years ago when I was introduced to a local scrapbooking store by a friend. Then, I started blogging and LOVE the whole process especially all the wonderful friends I have made and the opportunities that have come my way.

I am constantly inspired by the beautiful work that some of my favourite designers make.I also enjoy flipping through the colorful pages of the home decor magazines that I buy every month. It is my one-stop place for color inspirations.

I made this card for my guest post at "Do more with less". Below is the simple tutorial on how I created the masked background.
  Gather your supplies: Lace cardstock, white cardstock,acrylic paint and sponge applicator.

Cut the lace cardstock and layer on a piece of white cardstock.
Using a sponge applicator, fill the 'white' space with paint.
Remove the lace cardstock while the paint is still wet to reveal the masked background.

I had a blast creating this and my challenge to you is to create a project using a mask! It could be anything that tickles your fancy!  I can't wait to see what you all come up with! Have fun!

Ready to play along with this challenge? Leave the links to your project in this post by 16 April 2010. Winner gets a RAK of course! :) I will share my inspired piece tomorrow! :)

P/s: Don't forget about the non-traditional background challenge that ends on 8 April 2010. Post your links here.


  1. Woot woot for Cindy!!!! Excellent technique!

  2. Such a darling card! Love the background Cindy created!

  3. Hi Yvonne! Great work!! !=!!

    Thanks for your support to Blogtrotter Two, now departing Miami by air; my Easter egg for you... ;). Have a great weekend!!

  4. Great work never thought of this, it is beautiful thanks for sharing!

  5. Nice work Cindy .tks for sharing . . Going to try tt out soon :)

  6. nice method! I will try if I have the time! thx for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the spotlight, Yvonne!! I enjoy doing this! Hugs to ya!

  8. beautiful card cindy and your other work too!!!! i think i'll have some time to play along:)

  9. Fab idea!.. I am first!!.. here's my layout!

  10. LOVE this!Love to use masks!
    Loving your work Cindy!Thanks for sharing!

  11. Awesome tutorial, I'm going to try and give this a whirl! :D

  12. Great's my take at some masking!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.