

Gauche Girls Open Up Blog Hop

I interrupt my regular posting to present.... :)

Extra, extra, read all about it!!  The Gauche Girls Open Up! (...and there are RAKs to be won! ;)

If you've stopped by the Gauche Alchemy blog (..kits with a twist! ;) today, you'll see that a brand-spanking new team has been announced (it includes me! ;), and in honour of that, all the Gauche Girls are Opening Up. How easy are figure out that is! (cue: laughter! ;) If you haven't started at the beginning of our hop, Hop on back to the Gauche Blog and start in the fun there. There are RAKs up for grabs along the hop, so make sure you comment on each Gauche Girls blog for a chance to win some serious yumminess (this is one of those RAK stops!;)

Now for the fun part: Each of us Gauche Girls has chosen a word that best describes Why we're so Gauche! Honey, this is where you need to work it a little!  Here's what you do:  Find all the words and which  hoppin' hunny they belong to, head back to the GA Blog & post a comment with your answers - if you get it right, you get a shot at a kick-ass prize pack from The Head Honchettes themselves! See, it's EASY. If you have already started on the hop you should have come from Stephanie's...;)

Here's my word: QUIRKY

And my little project! I love those cute little charms my dad got me from China..:) My "hands" are actually brads (baby handprints!) that were white but I coloured in with Copics (my new love :)...notice how I placed flowers strategically around the area where I'm supposed to have shoes? The shoes I made just didn't look right and it looked odd to be feetless *LOL*...the clothes are iron-ons...patterned paper is from Cosmo Cricket. Base is felt mounted on a piece of wood.
Oh yes, I do have a RAK up for grabs if you leave a COMMENT on this post! :) Just make sure your email addy is linked to your profile so that I can contact you when you win!

Now shake your tail feathers all the way to Erika's and stare at some more Gauchy Goodness and get to know the rest of the team, since I've OPENED UP to you already *wink* ;)

If you're up for some serious shopping...stop by the Gauche Alchemy's Artfire store too!


  1. Hi Yvonne, love your take - so nice how you put the flowers...and I just love the RAK!!! Hugs


  2. wow!!.. grt idea.. looove the bling!! :D

  3. Wow..this is it!Huge congrats on the DT!!
    I'm inlove with your project, that you is gorgeous, loving the hand...this just rocks!!!

  4. Yvonne, that project is too cute! It's wonderful to know that you'll add more charm and fabulousness to the GA team.

    Welcome, welcome to the team and looking forward to being inspired by you! =)


  5. Love this project :D Quirky indeed is the perfect word for it!

    Can't wait to see what you do in the DDT :D

  6. Hi there, here's random for ya... my Mom's name was Yvonne. Your project is awesome.

  7. Congrats girl you deserve it!
    And love your project!

  8. I LOVE IT!! So many cool elements. The outfit, and all the goodies are GREAT!

  9. Yum!!! that's so cool :)

    Yvonne, time to pick you fave winner from your Groovie challenge ;) let me know whom you've picked yeah. Thanks!

  10. Wowowowowowow Yvonne!!! So amazingly over the moon to be on the same team as you! Yippee!!! :D

    This project is a-mazing...Love the way you put yourself together! :D

    I look forward to working with you!!!!


  11. This project made me LOL, which is awesome - I needed that. :) Looks like we share the same love of wild and crazy colors and textures! I am looking forward to creating with you on the GA team, and seeing more of your fun & quirky art! ~Angela~

  12. What an adorable little project! Love it and love your blog! Just found you and have subscribed!

  13. Beautimus! And that RAK looks scrumptious! Your project made me smile :)
    Super excited to be working with you!

  14. Congrats to you, and what a fabulous project!

  15. This is such a fun project - congrats on the new team and thanks for the opportunity to win!

  16. Congrats, Yvonne! 'Sew' glad you & your quirky self are on the team!

    Awesome project, btw - love the yellow felt, the flowers in place of shoes, and, well...the whole thing!

  17. What a fun and bright project this is. Just love all the details and bling.

  18. this project encapsulated everything about your word Yvonne. i love what you've done with those charms and I'm totally stoked about working with you.


  19. This is perfect! So colorful and fun-super duper quirky! Love it!

  20. Wow, what a cute project! Love how you used that iron-on patch and baby hand brads :o)

  21. Hi yvonne! Its a pleasure to meet you ,Im new to GA so this is exciting for me . I can't wait to do some challenges with you all . : P

  22. Congrats to you! GA is lucky to have you!

  23. Congrats on the GA DT!!!
    Lovin' this blog hop...seeing blogs that I have never seen!

  24. Wow. I just love the polka dot felt background and pretty much everything about this project.

    Awesome job.

    I'm a Copic junkie too - they're the best!

    So excited to have you on the GA team.


  25. Yvonne -
    So happy to have you join our Gauche family! This project is super whimsical and so much fun! I love the hand brads and the appliques... puts a smile on my face.

  26. Love your layout, and lots of personality packed in there!

  27. I LOVE your piece and those hand brads are fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. I LOVE your piece and those hand brads are fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!

  29. wow, yvonne congrats!!! your project is super,fabulous!!!

  30. You are way tooo much fun it!!!

  31. WOOT! WOOT! This is so awesome!!!!!! I just love your project!!! SO ADORABLE!!!! YUMMY I LOVE CANDY!!!!!

  32. Love your clear packaging project. You are a crafter that shares my passion. Cute cute!!!

  33. I just started keeping those clear packages hoping to use them for some creative project too.

  34. Oh girl!!! Congrats to ya!! You are quirky and funny...all roll into one! That's why I adore you!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.