

Thursday's quick decorated envelope


I recently attended a Loccitane event and scored some freebies in this lovely yellow envelope...which I had to decorate of course. :)

Here's the bright yellow envelope before its makeover. *winks*

Yep...look at me go with that stamping (which I did a long time ago...)

And I brought my folks with me to the event....which means I have 2 more envelopes to decorate! *fun music plays in the background*:)



  1. I love the colors on this! I actually painted a half-bath these colors, before I realized that such bold colors in a small space would feel oppressive.

  2. You are amazing upcycling your envelopes! love the three panels on the back ground!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.