

Documenting a family day out


Life has been busy these days and even a day out with the family is linked to a doctor's visit of some sort. Just last Sunday, we went out for lunch and coffee before bringing mum for her TCM visit. 

That is the reality of having to take care of ageing parents. They are like your "kids" who need you to take care of them but can scold and nag at you because they are your parents.

Really had fun with this layout using the bits and bobs from my stash.

And yes, even the stencil and gesso came out to play (as I get back into mixed media). :)



  1. I'm glad you're still able to get out together and have fun, even if it is linked to a doctor's appointment. The only good thing about my parents following my sister out of state is that she's the one who takes care of them and has the scolding/nagging you mention.

  2. I totally understand about aging parents.. it can be a difficult but precious season and a honor to help them as they age... lovely layout, love all the bits and bobs!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.