

Someone got a new toy!


Woohoo! Someone got a new toy! *happy dance*

Meet my latest kitchen acquisition friends! A Panasonic rice cooker.:)

You would think that an Asian family in an Asian country would already have ONE of these right? Nope. For the last 2.5 years, I've been cooking rice either in a steamer or in a saucepan. Which is NOT difficult but a tad irritating because I only have a two-burner stove so I have to plan the order of things to cook on the burners or utilize the ovens and the airfryer. Else cooking meals could take hours. *LOL*

I thought about it for a while before taking the plunge because I am not about the "acquiring more equipment" life. I could just buy a basic rice cooker with a single function or spend 5x the amount and hopefully get more use out of the appliance. While making my cooking life a tad easier. 

So here we are. With a multi-use rice cooker that cost $xxx. And the first dish was savoury claypot rice - chicken drumbeats, pork belly, yam, carrots, mushrooms and long beans...yep a one-pot meal!

Of course, you know I had to be extra and added a fried egg to really "complete" the meal when serving up. Nobody complained about the meal...cleaned out plates all around. *let's take a bow* :)

Looking forward to trying more recipes with my new toy!:)

P/s: Do you have a rice cooker?


1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Enjoy!

    We don't have a rice cooker. I had Asian roommates through most of college and learned to appreciate the convenience of a rice cooker. But I have a 4-burner stove, so making rice on the stovetop is not a problem.


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Cheers, Yvonne.