

Mixed Media Monday - how I draw a mixed media eye in my sketchbook

Hello friends! For today's Mixed Media Monday, I will be sharing how I draw a mixed media eye in my sketchbook. :)

I usually start with a quick sketch with my non-dominant hand (left). It keeps the drawing loose and is part of my ambidextrous goal for 2022..*winks*

Then I go in with another colour....clearly still with my non-dominant looks messy at this point but the goal is to put some broad strokes and colour down very lightly.

Then I add in the iris of the eye. The key is to go in with light strokes and to layer the colours without blending. This gives you the flexibility to "correct" if you don't like the strokes/colours/shapes.

Once I'm happy with the overall shape of the eye,  I like to go in with the darks to create some depth (and drama). Still keeping the marks really light and loose.

Next I go in with warm colours to "brighten" it up - orange, yellow and red...and start blending the colours together.

Next step is to go in with the pupil and darken certain areas to create depth to the eye.

The final step is to draw the eyelashes and add in the white highlights.

Now, if you like the really smooth look, you can burnish in the colours. The unblended look is more my style...*LOL*

And there you have it, how I draw a mixed media eye in my sketchbook. :)

P/s: I used Faber Castell Polychromos and a white Posca paint marker for highlights.


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Cheers, Yvonne.