

July's art haul


So I just found this photo of my recent art haul (July 1st) on my phone. I bought sketchbooks/art journals with every intention to start a travel sketchbook, a nature sketchbook and a daily practice sketchbook.  

Well friends, today is the 28th of July....and this gal has started on NONE. And found out that she has at least 4 brand new art journals/sketchbook in her stash...and didn't need this art haul in the first place. *sad music plays in the background*

Story of my life. *LOL*

P/s: The only consolation is that the sketchbooks/art journals are all if I actually find a purpose for each, I could totally justify the "unnecessary" purchase....right? *tries to high five someone*



  1. Just because you didn't need them in July doesn't mean you won't need them later. It's not like they expire. Totally justified!

  2. Yep they will keep! You will use them sometime I am sure...


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Cheers, Yvonne.