

The one about my European gifts


Not sure about you but my family scrapbook albums over the last 2.5 years has been mostly on food and stuff. Because we haven't been out much and also because nobody looks good in a mask....*LOL*

Anyway, just wanted to document my European gifts from my sister on this layout. And also how long I waited for my barista (aka sister) to make me a coffee after she got back from her trip. (She took a course on hand-poured coffee...and bought a ton of coffee equipment).:)

Yep...cute pig makes another appearance! *winks*

Lots of scrap bits in vibrant colours. :)



  1. Great page! Very cool that E took a class on hand-poured coffee and doubly cool that she brought you souvenirs.

  2. Nice! and any thing special deserves a scrap page to remember it!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.