

Decorated notebook ideas


So I've recently finished decorating a whole stack of notebooks to tuck into my happy mail packages. I've consolidated them into one post so that you can be inspired to create your own. :)

I've kept them relatively flat for ease of use and to facilitate efficient storage. It's great way to use up your fussy-cut elements from other projects, add texture through washi tape and interest through stickers.:)

Which is your fave?



  1. Oh, I like so many of them.... it's hard to pick my favorite. I think the last four are particularly lovely and have meaningful sentiments.

  2. ooo which is my fav... (she scrolls back up to check them all out again!!) humm I think i like the first and last ones.. no particular reason.. maybe the colors!!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.