

Mixed Media Monday - what I'm planning to do for this year's #the100dayproject


So 2022's #the100dayproject kicked off yesterday (and I'm already a day behind but I did get started...*winks*) and this year I am working on mixed media florals.

Okay, who is NOT surprised? *dramatic music plays in the background*

There were so many directions I could have gone since there are an infinite number of things I want to paint/draw. But 100 days in a row is a huge commitment and there will be days when I have to "rush" through a project. While it would have been awesome to achieve some type of "mastery" over a new subject matter, I have to be realistic about how much time I can really fork out each day given the added responsibilities I have at home.

I decided to go with florals because I have done some decent abstract florals in 15 minutes or less with just watercolours. I added mixed media to the mix because I really wanted to play with as many art supplies as I can (I own a ridiculous amount afterall..hehehe)...and it would also allow me to work on different substrates too.

Anyway, for 1/100, I went for watercolour for the first layer (see photo for the "ugly" stage), then went in with Caran dAche Neocolor IIs dry (for the crayon scribble look), got a bit of depth with the Caran d'Ache Museum Aquarelle pencils dry (the pigmentation intensity is the same wet or dry which is why they are super pricey) and did my highlights with Schmincke white gouache.

Not my best work but I think I should get halfway decent by the time I reach 100, right? *optimistic music plays in the background*

P/s: Happy Valentine's Day friends! :)



  1. Not surprised! You're off to a great start.

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Cheers, Yvonne.