

Is it a tag or an envelope?


So I really wanted to use this pre-cut patterned tag as a base for my decorated tag. But the paper was really thin so I dug through my stash to find a "mat" for it.

What I found was a small white envelope (holder for restaurant receipt) so the project became a tag on an envelope instead. Which is quite handy to hang on a gift bag with a handwritten note in the envelope. :)

I went all out here...with gold misting and Stickles on the text. *LOL*

P/s: Update on the CNY shenanigans. Got the baked goody bags for the neighbours out on the eve of CNY. Prepared a feast for reunion dinner that same night (yesterday). And cooked lunch and dinner for 10 today! Only chipped the polish off 2 nails so I would call it a win. *triumphant music plays in the background*



  1. A tag on an envelope...what a great idea! It looks great too!

  2. Glad to hear you pulled off all the CNY prep! I knew you'd do so. Looking forward to seeing the layouts.

  3. You are so creative and I reckon you could find a solution for anything!!!


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Cheers, Yvonne.